October 11, 2007
The holy month of Ramadhaan is drawing to a close. Ask yourself, upon completion of this Mubarak month, are you going to…?

1. Welcome Shaythaan with open arms upon his release from the shackles Allah had bound him to?
2. Safely pack away the Quraan till next Ramadhaan and begin the recitation of the T.V magazine for the next 11 months?
3. Tuck in that long T Shirt into the Levis jeans now to display your figure?
4. Flock to the cinemas to check out what you had missed out in one month?
5. Resort to only performing the “Once a week” prayer, Jummah?
6. Stop the Tasbeeh of Allah and begin the Tasbeeh of speaking lies, backbiting, swearing?
7. Forget the plight of the needy and rather invest in haraam dvds and music cds?
8. Shave the beard now, its time to “look handsome” once again?

Or are you going to…
1. Realize that Allah does not only exist in Ramadhaan but HE IS WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE.
2. Continue the recitation of the Noble Quraan bearing in mind that for every letter read correctly the reciter will gain reward and the Quraan shall intercede for the reciter on the day of Qiyaamah. How many of you truly believe that the T.V guide will do this for you?
3. Still protect your body from the evil eyes of adulterers by dressing in a dignified and respectable manner
4. Continue to perform all 5 daily prayers fully aware that your Salaah is the first to be questioned on the day of Qiyaamah and Allah does not only question your Salaah of Ramadhaan but EVERY SINGLE ONE.
5. Make the Zikar of Allah daily because it not only grants you benefit in the Aakhirah but in this world as well.
6. Remember that the poor exist every day and no matter how little your contribution, it does make a difference.
7. Leave the beard, it is a great Sunnah and if you are concerned about the girls not being attracted to you, think about how the fire of Jahannam is going to be attracted to you.
8. Don’t ever forget, a muslim is a muslim, there are no half measures. The mercy of Allah is most true and the wrath of Allah is most true as well. It is up to us to decide which one we want to receive..


Prime Spot!!!


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