Abu Hurairah relates that Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alayhe Wasallam) said: 'My Ummah were given five things during Ramadan that were not given to anyone except them. For them, the smell from the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter in the sight of Allah than the fragrant smell of musk. On their behalf the fishes in the sea seek forgiveness until they break their fast. Allah prepares and decorates a special garden in Jannah everyday and then says (to it): 'The time is near when my faithful servants shall cast aside the great trivial (of the world) and come to you.' In this month (for them) evil-minded shaytaan is chained up so as not to reach unto those evils to which they normally reach during other months besides Ramadan. On the last night of Ramadan they are forgiven.'
The companions thereupon inquired: '0 Messenger of Allah, is that last night laylatul Qadr (night of power).' Rasulullah Sallalahu Alayhe Wasallam replied: 'No, but it is only right that a servant be given his reward on having completed his service.' Ahmed, Bayhaqi.
This Hadith is one of many, which informs us the great blessing Ramadaan holds. Looking at this Hadith carefully it reveals many important points.
Five things
The Hadith talks about five things, which are special to this Ummah. Bukhari mentions another Hadith that states the Prophet Sallalahu Alayhe Wasallam was also given five things that were not given to other Prophets. This shows the similarities and bondage of the Prophet with his Ummah. The Prophet has been given five things and his Ummah has been bestowed same number of special things.
Which were not been given to anyone except them
The previous Ummts(nations) had also been ordained fasting as mentioned in different ayats of the Quraan. Their fasting was either to forgo talking, or forgo drinking, and was limited to a specific period of the day and to specific days. Our fasting incorporates all previous requirements; i.e. drinking, eating and sexual relationships have been forbidden, and protecting oneself from unnecessary talk is important. Also the period of fasting is during the daylight hours and for a whole month. In essence our fast demands much more obedience and patience, which is the reason why we have been accepted for the five special things.
Smell from the mouth of a fasting person
Allah considers the smell from the mouth of a fasting person sweeter than musk. Allah deliberately talks about the smell that a fasting person is hesitant with or feels ashamed lest someone senses the odor.
Allah is trying to comfort the fasting person by making him realize the value of the smell. Allah wants us to be patient and bear the hardship that comes with Fasting.
Why should this smell not be sweeter than musk? Has this smell not come about due to a person submitting to his lord? Any hardship or tribulations faced in pleasing the lord brings great rewards and blessings.
Why Musk? Musk comes from the interiors of a deer. Once describing musk my teacher explained that his father/grandfather used to hunt deer for its musk. It took a lot of patience in catching the deer and a lot of effort in preparing the musk. Similar is the case with fasting. Like musk the smell comes from the interior of a person and it takes a lot of hunger, thirst and patience before this natural smell comes into being, Once when asked about the smell from the stomach developing due to medical reasons, I replied that the reward is ring fenced for the fasting person as he has submitted to his lord. The reward will surely be given for showing patience during an illness, but that reward cannot be compared to the reward of Fasting.
The fishes in the sea
A tradition has been narrated which explains how Allah Ta'ala once he loves a person makes an announcement to the angles to also love him, similar announcements are made to the Creations of Allah who also start to show their love for the person. This may translate into the fishes making prayers for the fasting person. It has been mentioned in another Hadith that Allah will personally give the reward to the fasting and as some commentators have explained that Allah is that reward. If Allah himself is the reward, then inevitably he has gained the pleasure of Allah who will bestow him everything.
Some scholars are of the opinion that the mastermind Shaytaans are chained, whilst some hold the opinion that all of them are chained.
One may question if the shaytaans are chained then why do people still indulge in vice. Simple answer would be, that those people have been doing sins for the past 11 months and now even though theb shaytaans are locked away the habit of sin is still with them. In other words the effect of Shaytaan's handiwork has still not worn off.
Some scholars, referring to a Hadith which links the effect of sin with black spots on the heart, say that when the heart gets covered with black spots the person feels no remorse or shame with sins. Even during Ramadan he does not consider abstaining from sin.
Forgiveness on the last night
The companions assuming that the night in which people are forgiven must be a very special night full of reward and blessings and mercy, Hence questioned the Prophet (Sallalahu Alayhe Wasallam) if the night in question is the Laylatul Qadr (night of Power). The Prophet reassured them that the people had fulfilled the command of Fasting and therefore Allah is now rewarding them with Forgiveness of Sins. The night of Power is not specific to the last night but usually happens in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan.
May Allah Taala give us all the ability and Taufiq to realize the importance of this month and help us to show rightful respect towards it.
by Moulana Mosa Gora Batley (UK)