As a result some have called on the United Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA) to review its policy of only accepting moon sighting in South Africa.
According to the secretary general of the Jamiatul Ulama of South Africa and UUCSA Hilaal Committee spokesperson, Moulana Ebrahim Bham, there is no moon sighting “dilemma.”
Moulana Bham reiterated that Muslims utilize the age of the moon as a guide but are not guided by it. The principle laid down by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is that if the moon is not sighted than a month of thirty days must be completed, which is what happened in this case at the end of Rabi’ul Awwal.
As for fears that due to the age of the moon, the new moon could be sighted on the 28th Rab’ul Thani, Moulana Bham explained that this would indicate that the previous decision should be reversed and the dates adjusted.
Moulana Bham explained there is precedence for this ruling in Islamic history. It does not occur frequently but has happened on a few occasions in the past including the era of Prophet Muhmmmad (PBUH) and in Saudi Arabia a few years ago. Therefore there is no “dilemma” to worry about.
UUCSA’s current policy is that whilst there is jurisprudic basis to accept moon sightings beyond the boundaries of South Africa, there is also jurisprudic basis to restrict moon sighting within the borders of South Africa.
Moulana Bham said that due to the difference of opinion of Ulama regarding the acceptance of moon sightings beyond the borders of South Africa, UUCSA has decided to give preference to the view of accepting moon sightings within the boundaries of South Africa to avoid conflict in the country.
Speaking on the disparity of dates between Muslim countries where prominent Ulama have been quoted saying that there shouldn’t be any disparity of two days in the Islamic date, Moulana Bham said to get complete consensus on the moon matter throughout the world is proving extremely difficult. Citing the United Kingdom, he said that it is not uncommon they celebrate Eid on three different days; one moon sighting is based on Saudi Arabia, one from Morocco and the other from Pakistan. From a jurisprudic principle there are several views on the matter and the decision is not cast in stone, said Moulana Bham.
This particular decision only to accept moon sightings in South Africa was taken in conjunction with the Darul Ifta's of all the Jamiats and Ulama bodies affiliated to UUCSA. It is also been endorsed and been agreed upon by Mufti Mohammed Saeed Motara from Darul Uloom Azaadville and Mufti Radha-ul-Haq of Darul Uloom Zakariyyah. It was decided that UUCSA would be guided by the fact that it would rather retain unity in South Africa then try to forge unity with neighboring countries on this issue.
If there is a need to review the decision, it will be done, however currently there is no difference of opinion amongst the majority of South African scholars or “potential dilemma” as some have feared, Moulana Bham said.