Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News, 2015-05-28
Today at 11:18am (CAT) if you face the sun, you will be facing the qiblah as the sun is in its highest zenith or directly above the Ka’ba in Makkah in Saudi Arabia.
According to retired school teacher and astronomy expert Ahmed Sayed Moolla, there are only two days in the year when the accurate direction of the qiblah can be determined without using a compass.
“Because of Makkah’s position in the world, the sun passes over the Ka’ba twice a year, on the 28th of May and the 16th of July.
Moolla says to determine the qiblah direction all person has to do is face the sun.
“Take the shadow of any straight object and at 11:18am you align your musallah on that shadow, not the way the shadow is going but facing the sun.”
Moolla says the direction of the qiblah as depicted by the shadow lasts for about two minutes and thereafter changes.