Q & A for Ramadan

January 12, 2015
Does the use of an injection break the fast?

The fast is not nullified. (Fatawa Raheemiya vol. 2)
However, injecting directly into the stomach will nullify the fast.

If I have a wet dream at night or whilst fasting is my fast still valid?

Answer; Yes, the fast is still valid. (Shaami)

Is it permissible for a husband and wife to kiss whilst fasting?

It is permissible, provided that:
   1. One does not swallow the saliva of his/her partner;
   2. One has control over his/her desire and is not driven by desire to sexual intercourse or ejaculation. (Fataawa Hindiya)

Is a fasting woman allowed to breastfeed her baby?

Yes, this is permissible.

Can I have a blood test done whilst fasting?

Yes, you could do so provided that you do not become so weak that fasting becomes difficult.

Can I visit my gynecologist or have a pap-smear during Ramadhan?

The fast would be nullified if medication is inserted into the private part. It would therefore be advisable to delay the appointment until after Ramadhan. (Fataawa Hindiya – vol. 1, pg 204)

If rain water enters my mouth and swallowed, is my fast broken?

Yes. (Fatawa Hindiya – vol. 1, pg 203; Fatawa Shaamiya vol. 2, pg. 403)

Does a woman have to keep qadha of fasts missed due to menstruation?

Yes, Aisha (Radiallaahu Anha) reports from Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) that a menstruating woman will keep the qadha of missed fasts but there is no qadha for salaah missed during menses. ( I’laaus Sunan vol.1 pg. 372)

I am a diabetic and not in a position to keep fast. How do I compensate for the missed fasts?

Allah Ta’ala has granted permission to people like yourself to compensate the fast with contributions for poor muslims. The Jurists have equated this amount to that of Sadaqatul Fitr (money given on Eid day to the poor) it could be paid at the beginning of Ramadhan or at the end. (Shaami). This money may not be discharged before Ramadaan.

Is it permissible to apply oil to the head whilst fasting?

Yes it is permissible to do so. (Fataawa Raheemiya)

I need to insert medication into my eye on a daily basis. What is the status of my fast?

The fast is not affected by inserting medication into one’s eye, whether the medicine is liquid or non-liquid. (Fataawa Hindiya, vol. 1, pg. 203)

I am writing exams during Ramadhan and find it difficult to concentrate whilst hungry. Can I delay my fast until after Ramadhan?

It is not permissible to do so. Keep your fast and pray to Allah Ta’ala to make it easy for you. (Fataawa Raheemiya Vol. 2. pg 34)

I am an asthmatic. Does the usage of the pump break my fast?

It is advisable that you use your pump at Sehri Time and Iftaar time. However, if you do have an attack then you could use your pump. This will break your fast and a qadha will have to be kept.

Is it permissible to swim whilst fasting?

It is not advisable to swim whilst fasting. If water is swallowed by mistake or enters through the nose and reaches the brain then the fast will break and a qadha will have to be kept. (Tahtaawi Alaa Maraaqil Falaah, pg. 672)

Does masturbating break the fast?

One is not allowed to masturbate, whether fasting or not. However if one does this act whilst fasting then the fast will break and a qadha will have to be kept. (Shaami vol. 2, pg 399)

What is the status of sehri in Ramadaan?

Sehri is a sunnah practice. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) is reported to have said, “Partake of sehri, for verily there is barakah (blessings) in Sehri.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

However the fast is valid without sehri.


Prime Spot!!!


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