Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 25-01-2019
The Public Service Association (PSA) says there’s a shortage of nearly sixty thousand police officers across the country.
The PSA has called on police minister Bheki Cele to honour his commitment to increase the number of officers and improve the training for new recruits ahead of National Police Day on Sunday.
The association says it’s unacceptable that close to one hundred police are killed in the line of duty every year.
It also says the shortage of police in the country means South Africa fails to meet the United Nations norm of one police officer for every two hundred and twenty citizens.
The association has questioned how the police can do their jobs effectively if there is a shortage of officers.
PSA Deputy General Tahir Maepa says the police service is taking strain.
“Our police are outnumbered, they are outgunned. They don’t get sufficient support from senior managers within the police services.”
Maepa says high ranking police officers are entangled in work that got nothing to with policing including corruption and maladministration amongst other issues.