Procedure for ‘Arafah

September 19, 2007

Procedure for ‘Arafah
By Shaykh Hajee Muhammad Faruuq Saheb

Hajj has three faraa-id (fards):

1. Niyyah for the Ihraam of Hajj. 2. Wuquuf of ‘Arafah. 3. Tawaafuz Ziyaarah.

Hajj has six waajibaat (waajibs):

1. Wuqoof of Muzdalifah. 2. Pelting the Jimaar. 3. Qurbaani (hady). 4. Shaving the head (for males). 5. Sa’ee of Hajj. 6. Tawaaful Widaa’.

Transliteration: Labbayk Allaahumma Labbayk. Labbayka laa shareeka laka Labbayk.
Inna al-Hamda Wa al-Ni’imata Laka Wa al-Mulka, Laa shareeka Laka

The most important rukn of Hajj is the Wuquuf of ‘Arafah. It is sunnah to reach ‘Arafah before zawaal and have a bath. This niyyah for the wuquuf is mustahab. The proper period for the wuquuf begins from zawaal till sunset. It is best that a person stands facing the Qiblah till Maghrib whilst making Wuquuf. If one cannot stand all the time then stand as much as one possibly can. Stand for a while then sit. When strength is gained stand again. During this period engage in Dhikr, Tilaawah (recital) of the Qur’aan, Salawaat (Duruud), Istighfaar and Taubah (repentence). In between repeat the Talbiyah (Labbayk) audibly. Cry and make Du’aa (supplicate) for one’s self; parents; relatives; asaatidhah (teachers); friends; fellow countrymen and the Muslim Ummah. These are special moments of acceptance. During wuquuf it is sunnah to lift the hands while making Du’aa as is the method with normal Du’aa. When one tires lower the hands and continue Du’aa. When courage is gained raise the hands again. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) lifted his Mubaarak hands after the ‘Asr salaah and said this Du’aa:

Transliteration: Allaahu Akbar Wa Lillaahi al-Hamd, Allaahu Akbar Wa Lillaahi al-Hamd, Allaahu Akbar Wa Lillaahi al-Hamd.
Laa Ilaaha illa Allaahu Wahdahuu Laa shareeka lahu. Lahu al-Mulk Wa Lahu al-Hamd.
Allaahumma ihdinii bi al-Hudaa Wa Naqqinii bi al-Taqwaa, Wa-ghfirlii fi al-Aakhirat wa al-Uulaa

Then he would lower his hands so that Surah Faatihah (Al-hamdu) could be recited. Thereafter he raised his hands and repeated the same words (Du’aa). He then again lowered his hands so that the Surah Faatihah could be recited. He did the same for a third time. It has been ascetained from the Hadiith that Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) spent all the time during the wuquuf in Du’aa and Dhikr. Besides this it is recommended that all the Du’aas of the Munaajaati Maqbuul, be recited with understanding and humility. Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “The Haajii who on the Day of ‘Arafah, on the plains of ‘Arafah facing the Qiblah recites:

Transliteration: Bismillaahi al-Rahmaan al-Raheem. Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad. Allaahu al-Samad. Lam Yalid Wa Lam Yuuwlad.
Wa Lam Yakun Lahuu Kufuwan Ahad

a hundred times, and:

Transliteration: Laa ilaaha Illa Allaahu Wahdahuu Laa shareeka Lahu, Lahu al-Mulk Wa lahu al-Ham,
Wa Huwa Alaa kulli Shay-in Qadeer

hundred times, and:

Transliteration: Allaahumma salli Alaa Muhammad-in Wa alaa Aali Muhammad-in kamaa sallayta Alaa Aali Ibraahiima Innaka hamiidun majeed

a hundred times

Allah Ta’aala says to his Malaa-ikah (angels), “O My Malaa-ikah, what reward is there for this bondsman. He uttered my tasbih, tahliil,. takbiir, ta’ziim, thanaa, praises and conferred Duruud on my beloved Rasul. O My Malaa-ikah bear witness that I have forgiven him and have accepted his intercession. If he had interceded on behalf of all those present at ‘Arafah, I would have accepted”. – Durri Manthuur. In the Hizbul Aa’zam this is also added:


Transliteration: Subhaana Allaahu Wa al-Hamd lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha illa Allaahu Wa Allaahu Akbar.
Wa laa hawla Wa Laa Quwwata illaa bi Allaahi al-Aliyy al-Adheem. Astaghfir Allaaha Rabii min kulli Dhan-bin Wa Atuubu ilayhi

a hundred times.

Laxity on this day cannot ever be compensated for. Strive to perform ‘Ibaadah as much as possible. No moment must be wasted. Maghrib salaah must not be performed in ‘Arafah. One must leave for Muzdalifah at sunset. The talbiyah (Labbayk) should be repeated on the way. May Allah Ta’aala make the Hajj easy and accept it, and grant sincerity and Ihsaan, Aa-miin.

Note: It is advisable for the Hujjaaj (haajis) to perform the zuhr and ‘asr salaah in their tents. Zuhr salaah at its stipulated time and ‘asr at its stipulated time. The zuhr and ‘asr must not be combined. Do not attempt to go to the Jabal Rahmah. The sun and heat are severe, and there is a great chance of not knowing where one’s tent is situated when returning, hence getting lost. This will cause anxiety to one’s companions. May Allah Ta’aala protect us. Aa-miin.

Please include in your duaas all those who prepared this pamphlet

Published by: Maktaba Noor
Courtesy jamiat KZN



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