Book Review: Principles of Deen by Dr. Mufti Abdul Wahid

August 25, 2014






Reviewed by: Ml. Ashraf Dockrat on Radio Islam – 25 August 2014

No of pages: (224)

Price: (R26.00)

EBook: (Link)

Genre: Islamic Sciences/Translations


There are a few principals of Faith which need to be understood before delving deeper into understanding Islam from an academic perspective. For example before understanding how the Quran becomes a sacred text and why it is accepted as such, and binding on Muslims, we would need to understand the concept of Wahi – sacred revelation, its types, how it was received etc. Likewise, before we look at Tafseer (Quran exegesis) or the reliability or lack thereof of certain tasfeers, we would need to understand the principals of tafseer and its basic premise.

This book, authored by Dr. Mufti Abdul Wahid, Mufti of Jamia Madina Lahore, and translated into English by Mufti Azfal Hoosen Elias, explores the above and below mentioned technical terms – and how they become proofs of Islamic sciences.

— The principles of Hadith; Ijmaa’ (Consensus of the Ummah); Qiyaas (Analogical deduction); Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and its laws are also covered. Ijtihad is another term that is used rather glibly in our time “the doors of ijtihaad need to be reopened etc.” is explained, as is the definition, qualification, principal and background to Taqleed; Sunnah & Bid’aa; Imaan & Kufr.

This is a very good book for those wanting to understand these terms and it can be read as a text book, followed by others by the same author in the form of a syllabus.

Published by: Zam Zam

Available from: Bookstores/Darul Ulooms who stock Zam Zam Publications/ Amazon


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