Noble Qualities of the Final Prophet SAW ? His Self-Denial

July 27, 2012


Friday 20120727 – In this amazing series, Ml Dawood Seedat brings alive the beautiful and extraordinary qualities of our master and leader, Prophet Muhammad SAW.  In this podcast, Moulana discussed the Zuhud, the Arabic term for self-denial or abstinence, of the Prophet of Allah SAW.  Ml Dawood explained that the greatest Zahid was none other than Rasulullah SAW.  On one occasion he, SAW, whilst in Salaah, Allah opened the veils for him to see Jannah and later he told his beloved companions that he could have actually plucked a bunch of grapes from Paradise.  Allah Ta’aala offered His beloved Prophet that Mount Uhud be turned into gold and silver, but Rasulullah SAW declined.  The best of creation, SAW, the man who could have had anything of this world given to him by his Creator opted for poverty and used to say that this world is for the kuffaar, but Paradise is for the Believer… Moulana also discussed the foods, the house, the clothes, etc. of Prophet Muhammad SAW…






Prime Spot!!!


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