““Nkandla-phobes, I give you two things” – A last-ditch message from Yawar Baig to SA voters

May 06, 2014



Respected South African Muslim Voters


Tomorrow is the crucial day wherein you have an opportunity to impact your future. Don’t waste it. Vote ANC.


For those transfixed on Nkandla – remember two things:


1. 60% of the budget of Saudi Arabia goes into building and maintaining palaces -and if you dare to open your mouth about it, you will immediately have the opportunity to contemplate the wisdom of your words as a guest of the state (prisons).


2. In India, billions of dollars of public money goes in keeping Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and her family in the style to which they have become accustomed. One thing you can be sure of – even if the BJP comes to power, not a single paisa of that expenditure will be reduced. And that is not because Modi will marry Sonia (now that’s a thought – if you ask me!) but because that is what we give to every one of our ‘People’s Leaders’ for life – all PMs and Presidents, and in UP to all CM’s also.


Just ask yourself one question: ‘In all the public screaming and ranting leading up to and during the Indian election – did anyone including Modi – even ask a single question about the spending of public money for the upkeep of a private family? Mrs. Gandhi has no official status. Neither does her son or daughter. Robert Vadra, her son-in-law is one of the people NAMED at Indian airports as one of the State Officials starting with the President of India and the Prime Minister – who is exempt from a security check. I have not heard either Pranab Mukherjee or Manmohan Singh object to being lumped with a man involved in multiple scams.


Wake up people – you have the equivalent of a Muslim heaven in South Africa. Don’t ruin it for yourself by falling for all the stories you are told by those who DON’T have your best interest at heart. Take the global view. See the broader picture and listen to me. I have nothing to gain or lose in this election (apart from the fact that I don’t want to see you destroyed).


Remember that I am not supporting corruption. The ANC is becoming corrupt – though by Indian standards they have a long way to go – and they should stop the rot before it takes them down. But you Muslims can do that only if you are in the party as members and voters. Not by staying out as non-voters or by voting for the DA, which clearly and openly stands for white privilege. Wake up and understand THAT YOU ARE BLACK. It is the ANC – the Black South African party who gave you democracy, equality and privilege. Not anyone else, no matter how many nice roads they build in their provinces for their own benefit. ANC is your party. Treat it like it is. You don’t reject your family because some of them are playing the fool. Don’t be fooled by anyone singing the tune of nice roads and whatnot. Vote ANC and then kick butt to get your roads!


So wake up, my dear South African Muslim brothers and sisters and stop fooling yourself – your future is with the ANC alone. It is thanks to the ANC that you have what you have. ANC will not lose or win because of your vote but they will know where you stand with respect to those who supported you all these years. Be assured that the message you give will be heard and responded to – and not only by the ANC. Others will also take note. And believe me, nobody likes those who are ungrateful. Today the ANC – tomorrow someone else.


Nobody said that the ANC is perfect. But nobody is perfect – least of all, we – the Muslims of the world. So stop living in the dream world of your imagination and go out there tomorrow and vote.


I have done my duty as your longtime friend who gives you unasked for advice – free. May Allah bless you and be with you and help you to do that which is in your own best interest.





Previous article: “Don’t touch me on my X” – Yawar Baig warns us not to follow the Indian example


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Prime Spot!!!


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