Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 28-11-2017
The National Health Education & Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU) says the International Relations Department (DIRCO) has betrayed the Palestinian struggle by continuously strengthening ties with Israel.
Several pro-Palestinian organisations joined a protest at Dirco in Pretoria on Tuesday against what they say are pro-Israel “sell-outs”.
The protest marked the 40th United Nations (UN) International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people which takes place annually in November.
Nehawu’s Khaya Xaba says they can no longer remain silent as the South African government continues to strengthen relations with Israel.
Xaba says they will have frequent pickets until all ties with Israel are severed.
“We took the fight to DIRCO to say ‘enough is enough’. They must stop with the conscientizing of relations between Apartheid Israel. Our government is Pro-Palestinian, so what they are doing is contrary to government policies and is also contrary to the African National Congress (ANC) which is the ruling party’s resolutions on the issue.”
Last week Palestinians from various organizations held a similar protests outside the SA Embassy in the West Bank Palestinian city of Ramallah against the increasing “betrayal” by SA Government officials of the Palestinian struggle.