Muslim Reaction to Current Crises – Ml Ahmed Sattaria

November 20, 2012


Tuesday 20121120 – Ml Ahmed Sattaria, in this lecture, offered valuable advices as to what our response should be in this time of despair and anguish due to the onslaught on Muslims in Gaza and Muslims worldwide.

Moulana explained that the crises in Gaza, Burma, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. are all manifestations of the eternal conflict of Truth vs. Falsehood. The people of Truth are defending their Religion, sacred places, their freedom and dignity.  Whilst the people of Falsehood, the oppressors, colonise Muslim lands, oppress and murder indiscriminately, as well as attack and profane sacred places and heritage sites.

However, it’s vital we keep in mind that this conflict is not a new phenomenon; rather it is an on-going chain of events which existed right from the start of the history of mankind.  Also, this conflict represents the uprising of good against evil, no matter what shape it takes.

Ml Ahmed urged the Believers, especially at this time, to safe-guard their Imaan, their Faith.  That is, to remain patient and trust in the perfect Plan of Allah.  Not once questioning Allah, nor losing hope in the Help of Allah. Ultimately, all oppression and falsehood will be destroyed by Allah for His Hand is on Truth…






Prime Spot!!!


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