October 01, 2007

"Those who strive in Our Path, We will most assuredly guide them to wards Our Paths." Qur’an


"Fudhaalah Kaamil RA narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: 'The Mujaahid is he who makes Jihad (strives) in the obedience of Allah." Bayhaqee


The reality in Mujaahidah consists of the habitual practice of opposing the Nafs (the lowly desire). In other words, to check and control the physical, monetary, egoistical and mundane desires delights and preferences of the Nafs in the pursuit of the Pleasure and Obedience of Allah Ta’aala.


Two types of benefits accrue to the Nafs.
1. Huqooq (rights or obligations) are such benefits necessary for the endurance and existence of the physical body and life.

2. Huthooth (pleasures, delights, luxuries) are benefits in excess to the Huqooq.


Mujaahidah and Riyaathat (abstinence-forms of austere exercises designed to establish the control of the mind over matter) are directed towards the Huthooth. In Mujaahidah, reduction or total abstentions from the Huthooth (pleasures) are advocated. (Pleasures here refer to lawful pleasures and not to such pleasures which are forbidden in the Shariah). In the employment of Mujaahidah, the Huqooq (rights and obligations) are not destroyed, for such destruction is contrary to the Sunnah. The Hadith Shareef states: "Verily, your Nafs has a haqq (right) over you…"


Destruction of the huqooq brings about physical weakness and the health deteriorates. When this happens, one finds it difficult to execute even the necessary duties and Ibaadah.


Prime Spot!!!


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