Muhammad (SAW) and Orderliness

September 21, 2007
Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam taught us about orderliness. Discipline, regulation, management, planning and all other terms relating to organization are mostly understood as alien to Islam. On the contrary, Islam exhorts people to live in orderliness and to put the right thing in the right place. The foundation of Islamic order rests on two main principles:
The crucial faith in one God (Allah); And, the oneness of humanity.

All the frame works were laid down in the Quran, and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam applied himself to working out the essential details of that order.

One of the great values taught by Islam in this regard is to make use of the time left to humanity. The Quran and the Sunnah (Traditions) mention about time; day; week; month; year and century. People are lost if they did not spend the time available to them during this life for good things. It is a great loss if people have to waste the valuable time they have at their disposal for useless activities. It is true that life should be enjoyable but not at the expense of human resources and values which are essential for the continuation of their wellbeing.

Allah, the Most Knowing had created time and space suitable for human activities for they can attain achievements in life. There are times for work, study, recreation, resting and even celebration. All are parts of activities in worshipping Allah and serving His cause. The Quran says that Allah had created day for earning and night for resting and enjoyment. He created the sun, the moon and all outer-space objects so that man on the earth can fix the time and arrange the calendar. By having a standard time and standard calendar and the movements of astronomical objects, people are able to regulate their time table in choosing the right moment for them in doing business and carrying out their activities.

Islam prescribes certain times for the daily prayers, a certain month for the obligatory fasting and a certain time during life time for performing the hajj pilgrimage which indicates that the religion brought by Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam places the life of Muslims in a systematic order. For every move and occasion made by Muslims there is a rule governing it. Be it in the form of advice, spiritual guidance or practical directive. If all these directives are followed and understood properly, people will have high discipline and a well-managed life.

Islam encourages people to think correctly before taking any action. This means planning. There are many verses in the Quran admonishing against doing things unthinkingly and jumping to conclusions.

The Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam also showed good example in fulfilling promises and staying true to treaty, agreement or contract made between parties.

As a man of honour he always remained true to the principles agreed in the treaty, depicting his high discipline and inclination of doing everything in proper order.


Prime Spot!!!


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