Muhammad (SAW) & Goodwill

September 21, 2007
He was a good exemplar to those who subscribe to a harmonious society. Islam exhorts people not to violate the rights of others and injure their interest, but should positively cooperate with each other and establish a mutual relationship and social cohesion. To safeguard the unity and solidarity of the nation and to achieve the welfare and wellbeing of the community, we have been enjoined to avoid mutual hostility, social dissension, backbiting one another, and hurting others with the hand or tongue.

Islam as brought by the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam exhorts Muslims to visit the sick, to help the needy and assist the weak. Islam makes no discrimination on the basis of race, colour or language. Its appeal is to the entire humanity.

The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam brought changes for the betterment of women. Women as recognized by Islam as a full and equal partner of man in the procreation of humankind. He is the father, she is the mother and both are essential for life. Her role is no less vital than his. By this partnership she has an equal share in every aspect; she is entitled to equal rights; she undertakes equal responsibilities, and in her there are many qualities and so much humanity as there is in her partner.

She is equal to man in bearing personal and common responsibilities and in receiving rewards for her deeds. She is equal to man in the pursuit of education and knowledge. Islam enjoined the seeking of knowledge upon Muslims. It makes no distinction between man and woman.

She is entitled to freedom of expression as much as a man is. Her sound opinions are taken into consideration and cannot be disregarded just because she is a female.

Islam grants woman equal rights to contract, to enterprise to earn and posses independently. Her life, her property, her honour are as sacred as those of man.

Islam has also given women a share of inheritance. Before Islam, she was not only deprived of that share, but was herself considered as property to be inherited by men.


Prime Spot!!!


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