The Jâmi‘ah al-Ulûm al-Islâmiyyah, (Jamiatul Ulama South Africa institute of Islamic higher learning), will hold its 4th graduation ceremony and Bukhari Jalsa this Sunday, 8 December 2013 between 9:00 am and Dhur salaah at the Mayfair Jumu‘ah Masjid, Johannesburg, insha Allah.
The guest of honour will be Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, a renowned ?scholar in the fields of Hadith, Fiqh, Economics and Tasawwuf.? He is the son of the late Mufti Muhammad Shafi (ra), the former Grand Mufti? of Pakistan. Mufti Taqi (db) is a permanent member of the International Fiqh? Academy in Jeddah.
The respected scholar was born on 5 October 1943 in Deoband, a city in the Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India. He is the brother of Islamic scholars Moulanas’ Muhammad Rafi Usmani, Muhammad Wali Razi, and the late Muhammad Razi Usmani, as well as of the late Urdu poet Muhammad Zaki Kaifi.
Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (db) received ijaza to teach hadith from Islamic scholars including his father Mufti Muhammad Shafi (former Grand Mufti of Pakistan), Ml. Idris Kandhalvi, Ml. Muhammad Tayyib, Ml Saleemullah Khan, Ml. Rashid Ahmad Ludhianvi, Ml. Sahban Mahmud, Ml. Zafar Ahmad Usmani, Ml. Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalvi, Ml. Hasan al-Mahshat, and others (db). He also holds a degree in law and served as a Judge at the Sharia Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan until 2002.
He currently teaches Sahih al-Bukhari, fiqh, and Islamic economics at Darul Uloom Karachi and is known worldwide for his Islahi Khutbat.
He pioneered the concept of Islamic banking in Pakistan when he established the Meezan Bank, and is known as one of the leading Shariah scholars active in the field of Islamic finance. For more than a decade he has served as chairman or member of Shariah supervisory boards of a dozen Islamic banks and financial institutions in various parts of the world. Mufti Saheb has authored over 60 books in Arabic, Urdu, and English on Islamic topics, in addition to a large number of articles on Islamic banking and finance published in a number of journals and magazines
His publications include Takmila Fathul Mulhim, an Arabic commentary on Sahih Muslim in six volumes.
In recognising the importance of tasawwuf, Mufti Taqi Usmani's bay'ah was accepted by Ml. Abdul Hayy Arifi (ra) and Ml. Maseehullah Khan (ra). Mufti Saheb is currently a mentor to numerous spiritual aspirants all over the world and delivers weekly lectures on self-improvement at Darul Uloom Karachi on Sundays between Asr and Maghrib Salaah.
Proceedings of the jalsa will be covered live on Radio Islam ?International, insha Allah.
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