Moroccans carry out Salaatul Istisqaa amid rainfall delay and water shortage

December 01, 2022

Muhammad Bham |
01 December 2022 | 13:30 PM CAT
1 min read

Photo Credit: Khaleej Times

Thousands of Moroccans, on Tuesday, performed Salaatul Istisqaa (the prayer for rain) in masaajid in drought-affected cities and rural areas across the Kingdom.

Among the masaajid in which Moroccans performed the rain prayer was the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, the largest masjid in the country.

Muhammad Jannah, a member of the government-run Scientific Council of Casablanca, said that praying for rain is a sunnah (Prophet Mohammed’s tradition) through which Muslims pray to Allah to revive the soil.

Praying for rain means acknowledging one’s faults and asking for forgiveness; he added that “the crowds that came for rain prayer included adults, children, women, and men.”

According to a Ministry statement made available to Anadolu Agency, the Moroccan Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs called for prayer after a rain shortage persisted.

The Kingdom is taking additional measures and procedures to reduce drought and contain the negative repercussions of the delay in rainfall this season.


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