There! There is the beautiful moon!”
Wait, wait before you speak too soon!
First you need to make sure of your ideology,
Otherwise somebody is going to send an apology!
In which group do you peg your stake?
Make sure it is not a fongkong fake!
Hold the barfee and magaj until all is in check,
Let every chicken at your sighting have its peck.
Sadly, That which our Nabi* split into two,
Has split his Ummah through and through!
Rooster for a hero!
They will cut their hands and make it bleed,All for a musician who, himself is in need!They will cry for a foul-mouthed car show host,Whose arrogance has lost him his prime post!They will swoon over some girly boy prancing in front,Who does silly, stupid things as a...