How great the mercy and love which Allah Taãla has for his sinful slaves is clearly depicted by a Hadith, the crux of which is: "Should Allah decide to send down punishment on the earth, this punishment would first come upon those who had lost hope in His mercy." Allah Taãla is so merciful that He cannot tolerate it that anyone should lose hope in His mercy. Which parent can ever say to his child that no matter what injustice you do to me, I always guarantee you that the door of my favour is open to you.'
In fact, even a cursory perusal of Hadith literature will convince the scholar that an impression is created as if Allah Taãla is looking for opportunities to allow His slaves to somehow gain His favour, no matter how great sinners they may be. Perhaps the most sublime and majestic display of divine tolerance, love and Mercy is the annual appearance of the month of Ramadaan. A month so beset with avenues of gaining the mercy of Allah Ta'ala that quite rightly our beloved Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) whose very personality was a living mercy ("We have not sent you but as a mercy to the World.") saw fit to curse that individual who finds even this month and still fails to gain forgiveness.
The object of this brief treatise or discussion is to, by way of reminder, discuss how maximum benefit can be derived from this most majestic of bounties which has come so near. The Qurãn says, "There is for you in the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) a most perfect example." (S33:21)
Therefore, what better manner of understanding the essence of Ramadaan than by looking at how the greatest of Allah's creation, our beloved Master (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) himself reacted to this month. What he did on an individual level and on a collective level what he engendered among his noble companions (Radhiallaahu Ánhum). In short, we will attempt to depict what the coming of Ramadaan should create within us both on an individual and collective level.
Such was the manner in which Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) would anticipate this month that two months in advance of Ramadaan, the companions report that the noble Master (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) would beseech Allah Ta’ala in the following manner, "O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Shaábaan and allow us to remain alive until the month of Ramadhan." Hadhrat Aaisha (Radhiallaahu Ánha) reports that when Ramadaan arrived, the colour of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam)'s face used to change. He used to increase Salaat, become even more humble in his Duás and have even more fear for Allah. He hardly ever lay down in bed until Ramadaan came to an end. (Durr-e-Manthoor).
In this department (reformation on an individual level) to some extent we find many individuals aspring in the correct direction. The level of Nafl Salaat, Tilaawat of Qurãn, etc. is generally greatly increased in Ramadaan where our Masjids abound with the Noor and effulgence which in essence is the spirit of Ramadaan.
On a collective level one cannot fail to be alarmed by the tumultuous wave of trials and tribulations that are thundering globally upon this Ummah. Muslims and Islam are being attacked on every level. Solutions to our problems will never be forthcoming unless we search for these solutions in the light of Deen. Shariáh dictates to us two absolute realities. The first being that our problems and circumstances are in fact the creation of Allah Taãla without whose Will and Power nothing moves. The second reality being that those conditions are determined by our A'maal (actions) on a collective level i.e. as an Ummah. Any attempt to remove or alleviate our difficulties will be useless if such an attempt is not made in the light of the above two realities. Simply stated, the order of the day is that the Ummah collectively has to strive to come upon that way of life and those actions which will draw the help of Allah Taãla Who through His power alone will change the conditions and reinstate us to our former glory. Consider the Aayaat of the Qurãn, "O you who believe, help the Deen of Allah (collectively make effort for the establishment of Deen), and Allah will help you and make your feet firm against the enemies." (S47:7). In this sphere we find the noble companions of our beloved Master (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) rising to the occasion by collectively striving and sacrificing to even greater heights during the month of Ramadaan.
For instance, consider the occasion of Badr, a display of such sacrifice on every level that is so loved by Allah Taãla that the Qurãn refers to the day of Badr as 'the day of Furqaan (the day when the decision was passed in the heavens that truth and Islam will prevail over the forces of falsehood and Baatil).' This earth-moving display of sacrifice occurred in Ramadaan. Moreover, the signal event which signifies the triumph of Islam over the entire Arabian Peninsula, setting the stage for the light of Islam to glow in every corner of the earth also occurs in Ramadaan. The event referred to is the conquest of Makkah which signaled to the forces of the world that Islam was not just some passing myth but a vital and forceful reality that was here to stay. Alas the lessons of the spirit of great sacrifice and zeal displayed by the Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Ánhum) in their indomitable drive to establish Islam even if it meant losing everything, has been forgotten by the present day Muslims. The need of the hour is for this Ummah to realize its responsibility and rise up to the mission and purpose of their lives which the Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Ánhum) so ably displayed and outlined for us. What better opportunity than to make this coming Ramadaan so full with sacrifice and striving for Deen that the whole world gets the message that though 'Badr' and the conquest of Makkah may be events of history, the spirit of these occasions and what they represented still lives on.
Let us both on an individual and collective level make this Ramadaan a means of our salvations and those of the millions around us. Allah Taãla is ready to give us, we have to, by emulating Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaaba (Radhiallaahu Ánhum) become worthy recipients. May Allah Taãla give us Tawfeeq, Aameen.
Moulana A. Suleman Khatani