Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 13-05-2018
As the world celebrates Mother’s Day, there are questions about why do we need a special day to appreciate our mothers?
Mother’s Day in modern times has become a money making farce by retailers that extort hard earned cash from people to lavish expensive gifts on our dear mothers.
The real gift for your mother should come from the heart and it should be done every day and not just once a year!
Renowned Islamic scholar Ml Sulaiman Moola says people need to arouse our sentiments and be conscientious of our obligations to our mothers whose challenges and difficulty began prior to us coming into this world.
“To honour you mother on one day which the world calls ‘mother’s day’ is an insult. In Islam, every day is a mother’s day and every day is a father’s day.”
Ml Moola says there isn’t a day that children are not duty bound to their parents.
He says the love of a mother is unparalleled.
“That boy who sits with his wife and speaks ill of his mother and agrees with his wife, ‘yes my beloved mummy is like that, mummy makes those silly mistakes’, may the earth split upon such a man. Wallahi, you’ll find another wife, but you’ll never find another mother.”
Ml Moola says the child that visits his mother is in the duas of his mother, but the child who has abandoned his mother and not speaking to her, till today his mother is crying for him and she doesn’t forget him even if he forgets her.”