Ml Sulaiman Moola: Few Businessman Enjoy Growth in Businesses by Paying Full Salaries Despite COVID-19 Crisis

August 12, 2020

Faizel Patel – 12/08/2020

(Twitter: @FaizelPatel143)

As the COVID-19 lockdown continues to devastate the economy with many calling on President Cyril Ramaphosa to end the hard lockdown, esteemed Islamic scholar Ml Sulaiman Moola has emphasised the benefit of employers paying full salaries to employees.

According to reports, the South African economy has lost over a trillion rand while three million South Africans have been pushed to unemployment.

While some companies have retained their employees but slashed their salaries instead of retrenching them, the impact of the cut has left many households devastated.

In a post, Ml Moola speaks about how the Mercy of Allah has enveloped many businesses with an abundance of blessings and sustenance.

“I know of a few businessmen who have enjoyed exponential growth in their businesses despite the COVID-19 crisis and economic meltdown. Upon inquiry, they all shared the same secret: Commitment to pay employees full salary, regardless of the odds and daily charity.”

Esteemed Ulama in South Africa have urged the Muslim community to engage frequently in dua that Almighty Allah lift the pandemic from the country and the world, grant all those that have passed away the highest stages of Jannah and all those that are ill a full and complete recovery from Coronavirus.



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