By Mumtaz Saley
MacDonald’s in India has come under fire from the right-winged Hindu movement which called for a boycott of the global fast-food chain.
The controversy erupted after MacDonald’s India responded to a Twee that all its restaurants in the region are Halal certified.
A user wrote “ This is a blatant and international assault on Hindu belief, MacDonalds has betrayed 84% of India’s population to appease the 14% of Muslims.
Many Twitters branded McDonald’s insensitive for not using the “jhatka” method, another form of slaughter in which the animals head is severed in a single blow.
While the international food chain has taken into consideration religious views in the region, the franchise mostly serves chicken, vegetable and fish options in India.
Many Muslims feel that this is increasing Islamaphobia in the region and adding to the daily incidents of violence in the country.