Mas’aail pertaining to Qadha Salaah

January 03, 2008


Qadha, with regard to Salaah, means to fulfill or perform a Salaah after expiry of the time of that Salaah.


It is a very great sin to neglect one's Salaah and delay its performance so much so that the time for it expires. It is not permissible to forego the performance of a Fardh Salaah without a valid reason. (Inquire of the Ulama regarding valid reasons or refer Kitaabus Salaah etc.). At any rate, if a Faradh Salaah has not yet been performed and its time has already expired, it is obligatory to make Qadha of that Salaah without any delay. To delay in performing the Qadha Salaah is also a sin.


It should be remembered that the obligation of the Faradh Salaah is never waived by the Shariah (Law of Allah). No amount of repentance can secure exemption from Salaahs which have not been performed in the past. Even a lifetime of Faradh Salaahs not performed must be fulfilled by means of Qadha.


1.    It is not necessary to wait any particular time to perform Qadha Salaah. For example, if Zuhr Salaah was missed, it is not necessary to wait for another Zuhr time in order to make Qadha of the missed Zuhr Salaah. Several Qadha Salaahs can be performed all at once. However, one should not perform Qadha during Makrooh times.

2.    Someone missed several Faradh Salaahs, but the number of the Salaah he missed does not exceed Five. Besides these five Salaahs, which he did not perform he is not liable for any other Qadha Salaahs of the past. In this case it is not permissible for him to perform an Adaa Salaah before performing the five Qadha Salaahs for which he is liable. If he performed his Adaa Salaah before fulfilling this five Qadha Salaahs, his Adaa Salaah will not be valid. After performing the five Qadha Salaahs he will have to repeat his Adaa Salaah. However, if the time remaining for the Adaa Salaah is so little that if he engages in fulfilling the Qadha Salaahs his Adaa Salaah will also become Qadha, then in such a case he should perform his Adaa Salaah, and thereafter engage in the performance of the Qadha.

3.    If Qadha is being performed of several Salaahs the number not exceeding five Tarteeb or the compulsory order of the Salaahs has to be maintained, viz. The Salaah which was missed first should be performed as Qadha after performing the first, and so on. For example, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Esha Salaah were not performed in the due and respective times. Now when performing Qadha of these four Salaahs, Tarteeb (order or sequence) must be observed because the number of Qadha Salaahs does not exceed five. Hence, firstly Zuhr will have to be performed, then Asr, them Maghrib and finally Esha.

4.    If one is liable for six or more Faradh Salaahs, i.e. six or more Salaahs were not performed in their due times, and then one’s Adaa Salaah may be performed before performing the Qadha Salaah.

5.    When the number of Qadha Salaahs exceeds five, then the observance of Tarteeb is not Wajib or necessary. In this case one may perform Qadha of the Salaah in any order.

6.    Witr Salaah is an obligatory Salaah; hence, if it is missed its Qadha must be performed. If one missed the Esha Salaah, Qadha of both the Faradh and Witr will have to be performed before engaging in the performance of Fajr Salaah. It is not permissible to perform the Fajr Salaah, if only the Faradh of Esha (which was not performed the previous night), was fulfilled in Qadha. The Witr will have to be performed in the Qadha as well.

7.    Only Qadha of Faradh and Witr Salaah is made. Besides the two Rakaahs of Sunnah of Fajr, Qadha of Sunnah and Nafl Salaah is not necessary. If the Qadha of Fajr is being performed before Zawaal (mid-day) then Qadha of the Faradh, as well as the Sunnah, should be performed. However, if the Qadha of Fajr Salaah is being made after Zawaal, only the Qadha of the Faradh should be made.

8.    If so little of Fajr time remains that only two Rakaahs could be performed in that time, then in such a case only the Faradh of Fajr should be performed, and about twenty minutes after sunrise, Qadha of the two Fajr Sunnahs should be performed.

9.    If one is liable for several Qadha Salaahs, one should stipulate in the Niyyah (intention) when making the Qadha which Qadha Salaah is being made. For example, if Fajr, Zuhr and Asr Salaahs have been missed, then when making Qadha it should be intended: ‘I am making Qadha of Fajr Salaah – or Zuhr Salaah’ as the case may be. If it is not stipulated in the Niyyah which Qadha is being performed, the Qadha will not be valid.

10.           If one did not perform Salaah for a number of years, then too, Qadha of all the missed Salaahs must be performed. If it cannot be remembered how many years or months Salaah were not performed, one should continue making Qadha Salaah (making Qadha of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Esha – Faradh and Witr) until one is fully satisfied that all the Qadha Salaahs have been discharged.


Prime Spot!!!


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