Make the Most of the Holiday season

November 30, 2015

Opinion | Guest Contributor | 2015.11.30 | 17 Safar 1437 AH


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Have a blessed holiday season, and remember, “Muslim first” Fatima Moola of Timeless Teenz reminds us.


The time of the year we all have been waiting for has finally arrived at our doorstep. With leisure comes obedience to Allah, and a duty to have fun in a way that does not contradict the laws of Allah. We are to be careful as to where we go, whom we meet and never forget to ‘Be Muslim’ in all our dealings and actions.




Among those who will be shaded beneath the throne of Allah are those people who spent their youth in worship and obedience of Allah. Holidays provide us with a perfect opportunity to gain closeness to Allah and attain a spiritual boost as well as this lofty position. Try to read a para a day in order to finish a khatam, and that will reap 10 rewards for each letter. Learn a new surah or dua weekly. Attend the halqa of Taalim or tafseer classes. Apart from attaining knowledge alone, even the angels and all creation make dua e magfirah for us. Most importantly our salaah should not be neglected during the midst of fun and games. During this cheerful occasion, may Allah save us from being like those accursed people mentioned in the Quraan: Be not like those who forgot Allah, and as a result Allah caused then to forget themselves.


Reading books


The first words to be revealed were Iqra, Read! It is an instruction to educate and enlighten ourselves through the power of words. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. As an alternative to watching a movie, go to the library and read a good book or browse through one of the many inspiring blogs that stream the net. In place of watching images flash before our eyes, read and let imagination paint a picture in the mind. When coming across an unknown word, then add it to a personal vocabulary list and look up the meaning. Together with that, randomly open the dictionary, pick a word everyday and note it down in the vocab list. Like that, there will eventually be a list of new words for next year which could be used in essays and speeches at school. That’s a secret to stimulate English creative writing grades. Grammar in language is like salt is to food.


Youth projects


There are many recreational activities being held in communities for youth, such as camps and holiday programmes. In the pressure-oriented environment we grow up in, attending these initiatives aid in the development of team building, communication skills, responsibility and performing acts of Ibadah as a collective. It also masters positive social interaction, meaningful participation in activities, creative self-expression and reflections of experiences of future hurdles. This makes it easier for the youth as they require support and assistance to keep them on the right path and bloom into mature adults. It yields as a platform to make new friends who will benefit our deen and learn about other cultures. More then being mindful of keeping good company, being the best one is more important. Parents advise children to stay away from so and so in order to protect them from their destructive influence, not knowing that their children are the very culprits. Nabi (Salallahu alaihi wasalam) said that, a person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so beware of whom you befriend.




When setting out on a journey, recite relevant boarding and safety dua’s upon departure. Abide by road safety rules and drive cautiously. Be alert of pedestrians and wild animals along the countryside. Arrive alive; speed kills. Aim to encourage road safety which will reduce the number of people being killed and injured our roads every year throughout peak season. During sight seeing while observing nature, animals, mountains or the ocean say ‘Subhanallah’ and marvel at the creation of Allah. Indeed Allah Ta’allah brought into existence every creature so that we may ponder and reflect on the greatness of Almighty Allah.




Try not to waste time away being idle and lazy, as our muscles tend to stiffen. Nabi (Salallahu alaihi wasalam) said that, a strong believer is better then a weak one. Therefore keeping fit and exercising is essential for a healthy body and mind. Our bodies need to be taken care of and be given equal rest and exercise as it is a trust from Allah and requires physical and emotional nurturing. Involvement in sports such as soccer, cricket, swimming, cycling, tennis and horse riding can be done with the whole family. It will serve as a means to bond and play with each other. Those who wish to have a long life and barakah in sustenance should join family ties. Take advantage of the holidays and spend quality time with loved ones.


Wishing all esteemed readers, listeners and Radio Islam team a safe trip. May you have days full of sunshine, exciting places, smiling faces, wonderful weather and may you return with happy memories to cherish. Have a great time and remember Allah always!


Bon voyage.


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Prime Spot!!!


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