Maimane: DA Would Double Child Grant if it were in Government

April 06, 2018

Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 06-04-2018

The DA says it would double the child support grants if it were in government.

The announcement forms part of the DA’s policy resolutions that it presented to the media in Pretoria ahead of its federal congress which takes place at the Pretoria Showgrounds this weekend.

This will be the party’s biggest federal congress in its history with over two thousand delegates expected to attend the event from across the country.

DA leader Mmusi Maimane says the federal congress is crucial in continuing the party’s growth.

Maimane says the doubling of the grant would assist in fighting child malnutrition in the country as the current amount is not enough.

“When you do an exercise around what it cost to just feed a child at its most basic level, R 410 doesn’t agree with that. There’s a strong proposal to double that and look at whether we can get a figure over R 800 as a starting point.”

Other policies for debate include improving basic education, a two tier higher education system, providing jobs for youth and the land reform.

Maimane says land reform and restitution will be accelerated.

“The issue is not about whether you oppose land reform or land restitution as many others have mischaracterized the DA. It’s about how we accelerate that programme so ultimately South Africans in their own right are able to own land rather than what has been proposed which is to say let the state own the land.”

Maimane says the DA would also reverse the 15% Vat back to 14%.

Twitter: @FaizelPatel143


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