Lives of the Sahaba – Al-Qaqa ibn Amr al-Tamimi

June 12, 2020


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1 Comment

  1. izma

    All ashab were very respectful for whole muslims because they follow HAZRAT MUHAMMAD[PBUH] and had a lot of teachings which they learned from prophit.ABU BAKAR SADIQUE was first calipha of islam every one knows he was loyal and honest with prophit.aftetr HZRAT MUHAMMAD[PBUH] HAZRAT ABU BAKAR started preaching as well as all responsibilities of state.HAZRAT ABU BAKAR gave the all army resposibilities to alqaqa ibne tamimi because he was very brave and loyal man.Because of his bravery HAZRAT ABU BAKAR took him equal of 11000 man.alqaqa ibne tamimi fought many wars and defeat the enemies.i have also a link which you may visit slahudinayubi