Faizel Patel, Radio Islam – 27-08-2019
Concerns have been raised about the high prevalence of gambling and betting among some in the Muslim community.
Unfortunately due to the difficult economic climate and perhaps even for excitement, people resort to gambling and betting which is prohibited in Islam.
Allah says in the Qur’an there are great sins in alcohol and gambling.
Radio Islam’s Mufti Yusuf Moosagie says while people may think they are benefitting from their habit of gambling, there is great harm in it.
“From gambling you will get benefit, you’ll get money sometimes, but you’ll lose more overall.”
Mufti Moosagie says the Ulama have summed up gambling to risk your ownership of something on chance.
Listen to the Fiqh of Gambling & Betting by Mufti Yusuf Moosagie