Faizel Patel – 05/07/2021
Community activist Abdur Rahman Rickey Nair has confirmed that a number of Masaajid in Mayfair West have been served notices by the Johannesburg City Council to stop broadcasting the athan or Islamic call to prayer on loudspeakers.
Nair was speaking to Radio Islam during the “Under the Radar” programme hosted by Hafez Ebrahim Moosa.
It is understood the notices to suspend the athan on loudspeakers emerged about two weeks ago after residents in Mayfair West complained to the noise and pollution department about the noise pollution emanating from a khanqa or gathering in the area.
Nair says the city council subsequently issued a notice to the khanqa about the complaint.
“When it was brought to my attention, I thought it was a once off and we would then talk about this with the city officials. Subsequently in the next few days, the other masjids in Mayfair received these letters and it was brought to my attention. Fortunately, I had met the councilor a day later and I brought it to his attention and he agreed that we put a meeting together with the council officials and find a way to sort this issue out.”
Nair says some masaajid have stopped broadcasting the athan.
“So, what I’ve noticed is like the masjid that’s around the corner from me, they are no more giving the athan. One or two other masjids are still doing it, but I’m also not sure whether they are not giving the athan because of the whole ban on religious gatherings and not wanting people to turn up at masjids for salaah. Hopefully with the meeting that’s coming up on Tuesday we’ll get clarity on that.”
Nair says the objections to the athan is being taken by some officials within the council who are allegedly acting on their own accord.
“I would like to believe that it’s being done from a point of ignorance, not really understanding our religion and the importance of call to prayer to our community. I am hoping that when we get around the table and discuss this that this issue will be solved. If it doesn’t than of course we will escalate it to different avenues we would look at even challenging them in court and mass protests if it comes to that.”
Hafez Moosa also discussed the massive protest in UK where British Muslims called for an end to the Uighur Muslim genocide, the role of Turkey in Afghanistan and LGBT challenges to Muslim children.
Listen to the interview with Abdur Rahman Rickey Nair