Picture: Lifealth
Faizel Patel – 11/08/2020
A technology stalwart says there has been a massive shift in the technological era, which has created a doorway to the world.
Ml Ashraf Patel, an industry expert for the last thirty years was speaking to Radio Islam on Monday about the human behavior surrounding technology.
With the development and progression of technology and mobile phones, questions have been raised about the impact of technology on everyday life and whether it is robbing us of family time.
Ml Patel says the COVID-19 lockdown has changed the way people use technology and adapt to a new normal.
He says technology is as good or as bad as the person using it.
“The internet during lockdown was used to keep in touch with family members, remote schooling and madrasah, lectures and advices sent by Ulama via social media because we couldn’t attend the masjid. Without it we wouldn’t have even known what is happening with COVID-19. However it was also used for potential harm to our deen. Bad and false news, disagreements between Ulama that was made public and went viral hence causing confusion among the Muslims in South Africa.”
Ml Patel says the lockdown has also turned people into technology addicts with many affected by Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD).
“Just because they use the internet a lot or they watch a lot of You Tube videos or shop online frequently or they like to check social media, it doesn’t mean that they suffer totally from internet addiction disorder. The trouble comes when these activities starts to interfere with their daily life. That’s the problem.”
Ml Patel says other researchers he has spoken to indicate that it is not the amount of time that is spent on the internet, but rather how the internet is being used by the individuals.
Listen to the interview with Ml Ashraf Patel