Lebanese Protesters welcome Prime Minister Hariris resignation

October 30, 2019

Husain Mohamed – Radio Islam News – 30.10.2019

Lebanese protesters were filled with joy as Prime Minister Saad Hariri handed in his resignation, in what they see as a major victory.

Many are saying that this is the first victory of many they hope will come, as it is a long term battle.

A protester is reported to have said, “It is a good first step but we’re still going to stay in the streets. Hariri is part of the problem but he is not all of the problem. I don’t think anyone thinks we’re done.”

The news of his resignation was a major boost for many demonstrators after nearly two weeks of protest movements following a day of street clashes initiated by supporters of Hezbollah and the AMAL party.

Protesters filled up streets and blocked major roads in an attempt to overthrow the government and get them to take responsibility for years of corruption.

The main demand for protesters to have the formation of a government made up of independent experts to guide the country through a deteriorating economic and financial crisis, and to finally have access to basic services such as electricity and water.



Prime Spot!!!


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