Leading the Ambiya AS in Salaah – Part 3

March 01, 2022

As we have already explained, the journey of Nabi ﷺ was broken into two parts.

1. Isra
This was the journey from the Haram Shareef in Makkatul Mukarramah to Masjidul Aqsa in Jerusalem.

2. Me`raj
This was the journey Nabi ﷺ undertook from Masjidul Aqsa into the seven Heavens and beyond.

This journey of Nabi ﷺ highlights the importance of Salaah and the status it holds in the Shariah, and both parts of this journey cover this important Pillar of Islam.

Let`s first take a look at the Isra:
During the Isra, or the journey to Al Aqsa Mubarak, upon reaching the Holy Land and entering the Sanctified Precinct, from all the various forms of Ibaadat, Nabi ﷺ was Divinely ordered to lead the Ambiya AS in Salaah.
The incident is mentioned on the authority of Hadhrat Abu Huraira (RA), Nabi ﷺ is reported to have said:
“I saw myself in the group of the prophets” (Ambiyaa (AS)). The time for Salaah entered so I led them in prayer. When I had finished my Salaah, someone said “O Muhammad! This is the doorkeeper of Jahannam, greet him”. When I turned towards him, he greeted me himself.

(The instance of leading the Ambiyaa (AS) in Baitul Maqdis occurred before Rasulullah ﷺ went up into the heavens).
Hafez Ibn Katheer on page 6, Vol. 3 of his Tafseer, says that Ibn Abi Haatim has recorded the narration of Hadhrat Anas Bin Maalik (RA) that Rasulullah ﷺ was in the Baitul Maqdis and many people had gathered together. Someone called out the Athaan and we straightened our rows for Salaah in anticipation of someone to be the Imaam. Then Jibraeel (AS) took my hand and led me to the front and I led all those that were present in Salaah. When I completed my Salaah, Jibraeel (AS) said “O Muhammad! Do you know the people who were behind you in Salaah?” I replied, “No” (Apart from the prophet (AS) who Nabi ﷺ met previously, there were many others who performed their Salaah behind Rasulullah ﷺ and to whom he had never been introduced. Therefore, he replied that he did not know them) Jibraeel (AS) replied that all the Ambiyaa (AS) whom Allah had sent on earth, had performed Salaah behind him. (Thereafter, the Hadith goes on to describe the journey into the heavens).


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