October 08, 2007
By AH Lachporia

The Month of Ramadan is coming to an end; where are the eyes that will weep and where are the hearts that will humble themselves by the fear of Almighty Allah, the Bounteous King? You have heard this so many times from the Most Holy and Noble Qur'an: "All the creatures will certainly die." Now the time of the departure of the month of Ramadan is very near and with you it will stay just like a night-guest, or like a departing beloved. Never forget that the separation of good friends is a very bitter thing; so where are those who will perform as many good deeds during this month? Undoubtedly those who have fasted, have collected great benefits and the transgressors are the losers.

Bid farewell to this month with sighs, with cries and constant weeping when you say: "Salaam to you, O month of Revelation: Salaam to you O Month of Forgiveness (of Allah) and release from Jahannum! Salaam to you O Month of the Illumination of Hearts! Salaam to you, O Month of compensation of past sins! Salaam to you, O Sacred month, wherein lies a night which is better than a thousand months! Fortunate indeed is the one who took for his or her companion one who helped him or her in the worship of Almighty Allah during this great night of Tawbah and Forgiveness.

Allah be Praised! Glad tidings are for him or her who endeavoured in Ibadah during the Night of a thousand months – the Sacred Night of Lailatul Qadr. I swear by Almighty Allah Rabbul Ala'meen that this is the grand night to be clean of wrongdoing; and of forgiveness and generosity of Almighty Allah; and the Night of Remembrance of Almighty Allah Jalllah Wa'ala Most Merciful and Exalted. A Night of Ibadah and a night of discharging our Zakat to the poor, the needy, the orphan, the wayfarer, the destitute and the under privileged.

O you who believe! Welcome this Great and auspicious Night of Glory with a high and noble aim and with a strong will to worship and please our Most Glorious Creator and Sustainer. So many positions are raised on this great night; so many calamities are removed and so many repentance accepted; and so many good desires are fulfilled. Almighty Allah has sworn in His own words: "Ha Meen! I swear by the manifest Book [of Truth], that We sent it down during the Blessed night [of Ramadan]".

Seek the virtues of this most wonderful night; for when the Nabee Sallallahoo Alayhi Wasallam entered the last ten days of Ramadan he made his family stay awake and he too worshipped throughout the night. How unfortunate is the one who remained asleep on such a grand night and remained devoid of salvation. We ask Almighty Allah to cover us with His Mercy and Muhabbat. And all praise is due to our Most Exalted Creator – the Lord of all the worlds. We seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan – the cursed and rejected one. Says Almighty Allah in Holy Qur'an: " O Prophet! Say: "If you love Allah, just obey me and Allah will love you and forgive your sins, for Allah is All-Forgiving and most merciful.

The sacredness of this great night is due to the coming down of Almighty Allah's Mercy and Bounty, and the acceptance of our Ibadah, our supplications, our Duah's and our good deeds for the night is also named "The Night of release from the fires of Jahannum and the night of Almighty Allah's Mercy. Rewards and sustenance from our Glorious Maker is distributed during this grand night and our lives are prolonged or shortened. This is the Night wherein our Most Merciful and Exalted Lord addresses all true believers: "Is there anyone who will beg for My forgiveness? Is there anyone who will repent, for I will accept his or her repentance? Is there anyone who will ask his or her needs of Me, for I will give him or her whatever is asked."

Salaam, Salaam, O Month of Ramadan! Salaam to you, O Month of Ramadan! Salaam to you, O Sacred month, whose nights are blessed by Almighty Allah, and are a means of one's past sins! Salaam to you, O Month of Virtue and Blessings of Almighty Allah: Salaam to you, O Month of Charity and of fasting! Salaam to you, O Month of Ibadah, Tarawee and remembrance of Allah! Salaam to you, O Month of Takbir and glorification of Allah! Salaam to you, O Honourable Visitor, whom we have welcomed (enthusiastically). O Traveller, we bid you an honourable farewell. Salaam, Salaam, O Month of Ramadan! Blessed are you O Month of Ramadan. O Month of Ramadan!

We do not know whether you will be a witness for us, or against us (on the Day of Judgement). This is your last interview with us; we do not know whether you will return to us (in our lifetime) or whether death will overpower us. O Month of Ramadan! How fortunate is the person, to whom you will return with blessings of Almighty Allah, and how fortunate is the one, against whose misdeeds you will be a witness (on the Day of Judgement!).

May Almighty Allah bless our Masaajids' with your presence for a long time, and may He light our lamps with your divine light. The performance of Tarawee is coming to an end, and our lamps are going to be put off (by your departure). No one will wait for Iftaar, and no one will see the stars for his or her Suhuur. For a time our bellies were under your command, and our eyes were kept awake in constant Ibadah. Undoubtedly, we are for Almighty Allah, and to Him we will all return! Oh! How sad will be your departure and separation from us. The day of your departure will be sorrowful for all of us.

May Almighty Allah Rabbul Ala'meen take mercy on the person who bid farewell to Ramadan with repentance and devotion. All of you should say: "O Almighty Allah! Let us be among those who have attained salvation during the Holy month of Ramadan. Deliver us from the fires of Jahannum, by the honour of Ramadan. Pardon us with Your Mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show Mercy. And all praise is due to Almighty Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. I seek refuge in Almighty Allah, from Shaytaan the rejected one.

(Says Almighty Allah in the Holy Qur'an)! "The pious will reside in an abode of Peace, in Jannah (with) fountains; they will be dressed in brocade and silk, as they sit before each other. And all Praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. We seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan, the rejected one. Says Allah in the Most Holy Qur'an: "Ramadan is the Sacred Month wherein the the Most Holy Qur'an has been sent down, which is a true guidance for mankind, and contains manifest Signs of the Right Path, and, is a distinction between Good and Evil."

Our wealth, our resources, our Muhabbat and our sincere feelings of caring and sharing should for always indicate our deep and profound gratitude and appreciation to Almighty Allah Azza Wajjal in the way of our good deeds, and by remembering the poor, the needy and the under privileged amongst us as well as the plight of our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world who are torn apart by war, repression and oppression. In these times of tension and heartache, we should not neglect the power of Ibadah and supplication to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. On this Blessed Night we pray Insha'Allah to our Glorious Creator to cleanse the hearts of the Ummah of all traces of conceit, ego, vain-glory and rancour.

May Almighty Allah Tabaraka Wata'ala grant us all the strength and Sabir to display forbearance, magnanimity, mercy and compassion in our dealings with others. This is essential if we are to realise the strength that comes from unity if we are to attain to the Divine Favour which is the object of all our striving. May we be granted the success where the Most Holy and Glorious Qur'an will become the most treasured and cherished possession in our lives then the reward and Baraka'h will Insha'Allah not be limited only to Laylatul Qadr but we will be enjoying the fruits of Laylatul Qadr every day of the year for the rest of our lives.

Salaam, Salaam O Holy month of Ramadan.
Salaam, Salaam O Holy Month of Ramadan.

Ameen – Ya Rabbal 'Aala'meen!


Prime Spot!!!


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