Koos was not the brightest guy around. Every day, when he walked home from work, he would get stopped by three massive guys and they would beat him up & steal his money.
Finally, Koos decided that it would serve his best interest to walk a different route, but also take some self-defence classes so this wouldn´t happen again.
He joined a karate class & soon was doing very well with it.
So, one day, on the way home from work, Koos confidently decided to take his old route home &, sure enough, there they were.
He walked up to them & the battle ensued.
The next afternoon, Koos went to his karate class with a black eye, a broken nose & a busted lip.
His Sensei was shocked & asked for an explanation.
"Ag well," explained Koos,
"You see, I took my old way home last night so I could beat those guys up who used to steal my money."
His Sensei said,
"What happened?"
Koos replied,
"Man, they jumped me before I could get my socks & shoes off!"