Kind Treatment To Parents – Sh Samih Jad

February 25, 2013


Monday 20130225 –  Sh Samih Jad dedicated this programme to the rights parents have on their children and shared various advices from the book Ihya Ulumadin by Imam Ghazali (AR).

Allah Ta’ala instructed us in the Glorious Quran as follows, “???????? ??‌????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? ?????????????????? ?????????? ? – Your Rabb has commanded that you worship only Him and that you treat your parents kindly.” (S17:V23)

Rasulullah Sallallahu`Alayhi Wa Sallam mentioned that among the Major Sins, Akbarul Kabaair, is U’qooqul Walidayn – Disobedience to Parents.

In another Hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu`Alayhi Wa Sallam said to the effect that one of the Signs of Qiyamah is that a woman will give birth to her master.  Sh Samih explained what is meant is that women will give birth to daughters who would treat them badly as if the daughter is the master and the mother is the servant.  Sh Samih discussed the norm today in society where parents are not just disrespected, but abused too by their own children and gave stern warnings against such behaviour.

He also outlined certain guidelines to follow when interacting with our parents  as mentioned by Rasulullah Sallallahu`Alayhi Wa Sallam:  1.Do not walk in front of your parents.  2.Do not call your parents by their names.  3.Do not sit before them.  4.Accept the advices of your parents.  5.Do not eat anything your parents intended to eat.  6.Do not disobey your parents accept if it means disobeying Allah Ta'ala.  7.Seek to please your parents.  8.Kiss the hands of your parents.  9.Never insult or shout your parents.






Prime Spot!!!


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