Judges Matter welcomes Molemela recommendation for SCA President

April 19, 2023

Neelam Rahim |

2-minute read
19 April 2023 | 22:52 CAT

Photo Credit: Judges Matter

Photo Credit: Judges Matter

Another woman may soon fill one of the top judicial positions in the country. Judge Mahube Molemela is President Cyril Ramaphosa’s preferred candidate to be the next head of the Supreme Court of Appeal. After Monday’s largely respectful hearing at the Judicial Service Commission, her appointment looks secure.

In discussion with Radio Islam International, Judges Matters, Mbekezeli Benjamin highlighted the extreme importance of having more women in charge of judicial positions in South Africa.

The Head of Codes Forum comprises all the Heads of Codes nationwide. The structure has 14 seats, and only one woman sits at that table.

According to Benjamin, more women need to occupy leadership positions as the Head of Codes Forum takes important decisions in the judiciary, not only for representation but also to improve the quality of decision-making within our judiciary.

Benjamin welcomed the recommendation of Mahube Molemela as the person to now head of the Supreme Court is an excellent choice. He spoke about her wealth of experience as the former Judge President of the Free State High Court.

He said Judge Molemela comes to the position with a lot of experience as a judge, having been a judge since 2008 but also having headed up the Free State High Court. She has the necessary experience to run the court.

“She comes with a lot experience as a judge and also experience as leader which is what we need for someone who will occupying the position of President of the Supreme Court of Appeal,” added Benjamin.

Listen to the full interview on Your World Today with host Annisa Essack and Judges Matters, Mbekezeli Benjamin.


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