World leaders expressed concern at the escalation of the attacks. UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon in a telephone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged a “measured” response to the recurring Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza, “so as not to provoke a new cycle of bloodshed that could have … dangerous spillover effects in the region.”
Arab states, including Syria and Lebanon, which called it “barbaric” and “bestial” respectively, condemned the Israeli campaign, criticized also by Moscow as “disproportionate.”
However the US and Britain seems to have “climbed into bed” with Israel supporting the attacks. Washington said it “supported Israel’s right to defend itself,” and British Foreign Secretary William Hague said “Hamas bears the principle responsibility for the current crisis.”
Speaking to Radio Islam’s Moulana Sulaiman Ravat, Professor Abu Alaa from Al-Quds University in Gaza said people in Gaza are resilient. “There is a sense of resilience here in the Gaza Strip that Israel wants us to kneel, wants us to surrender. But the message that you get from every single person on the street of Gaza is that ‘we are not going to give up’” said Alaa.
Alaa said that Gazan’s were unable to sleep for two nights as the fear of attacks resonated in Gaza. When dawn approached, their fears were realized when Apartheid Israel intensified its attacks on Gaza.
Asked by Moulana Ravat if there was any expectation from the Egyptian president Hisham Kandil by the people of Gaza? Alaa said the previous Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was a collaborator and Mubarak’s regime took part in the massacre committed by Israel against the Palestinians of Gaza in 2008 and 2009.
“Now you have a democratic elected president, a democratically elected government and therefore we expect Egypt to open the Rafah crossing permanently and unconditionally, 24/7. I mean why is the Egyptian government waiting?” asked Alaa.
Alaa added they want the Egyptian government to cut all diplomatic ties with Apartheid Israel exactly as the international community did against Apartheid South Africa.
Alaa drew a perfect analogy that all South African and the world can relate to. He said that Gaza was the Sharpeville of the Middle East. “The Sharpeville massacre killed 60 people. This attack in Gaza has killed tens of thousands of people,” said Alaa.
Alaa reiterated that Israel been illegally occupying the Gaza Strip and the Wesbank since 1967, ethnically cleansing Palestinians since 1948. He says Palestinians have learnt from South Africa to ignore the international community. “In the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s you gave up on the international community. And when I say International community, I mean governments, the White house, the government of the United Kingdom, etc., etc. because they blamed the victim. And we have learnt this lesson from you,” said Alaa.
“That is why we address civil society. We address more churches, synagogues, the glocks, etc. We want the international community represented by its civil society to boycott Apartheid Israel until it stops its war crimes and crimes against humanity,” added Alaa.