Israel Bans Young Muslims from Al Aqsa Amid Protests

July 21, 2017


Faizel Patel, Radio Islam News – 21-07-2017

As tens of thousands of Palestinians prepare to descend on the Al Aqsa Masjid for Jumu’ah today Israeli police say Muslim men under the age of 50 will be banned from entering the at al-Aqsa compound.

Muslim leaders have urged Palestinians to forego prayers in smaller Jerusalem neighbourhood masajid on Friday and converge on Al Aqsa, in an attempt to increase the crowd size.

Palestinians have planned fresh demonstrations over new security measures at the holy site in occupied East Jerusalem, a week after a deadly shoot-out at the compound that triggered heightened tensions.

According to Associated Press (AP) Police reinforcements poured into Jerusalem’s Arab neighbourhoods in the morning, particularly in and around the walled Old City where the shrine is located.

The security measures came just hours after Israel’s security Cabinet reportedly decided in an overnight session not to overrule a police decision earlier this week to install the metal detectors at the gates of the shrine that is revered by Muslims and Jews.

In a statement Israeli police say that while Entry to the Old City and Temple Mount will be limited to men aged 50 and over women of all ages will be permitted.

The gates were fitted with metal detectors after Palestinian gunmen launched an attack from there last week, killing two Israeli policemen.

Muslim leaders alleged that the metal detectors are part of a purported Israeli attempt to expand control over the site, which sits at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel’s security cabinet say that Israeli police would decide when to remove metal detectors and turnstiles at the compound installed last week, a disappointing statement to Palestinians who view the measures as collective punishment and infringement of the status quo at the site.

Muslim leaders have called on worshippers to pray in the streets near the shrine rather than walk through metal detectors.

On Thursday evening, police fired rubber bullets, tear gas and stun grenades to disperse protesters who, according to police, threw rocks and bottles.

Paramedics from the Red Crescent said 37 people were injured by rubber bullets, three of them seriously.

Israeli media reported earlier Friday that the security Cabinet decided to defer to police on the metal detectors.

The decision came despite appeals from key Muslim countries, particularly Jordan, to remove the devices.

Meanwhile The Jamiatul Ulama South Africa has urged the Imams from masajid across South Africa to observe Qunut Naazilah on Friday in dedication to Masjid-ul-Aqsa in Palestine.


Twitter: @FaizelPatel143 


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