Islam is the Religion of Moderation

August 10, 2016

By Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sudays

All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all the worlds. May peace and blessings be upon the Messenger, his household and companions. 

Brethren in faith! It has been an undisputable fact that in the opinion of the wise men that the more a nation adhere to its values, the more it attains glory. It is also a fact that all colours of corruption that is widespread in today’s world and which threaten people’s security, peace and stability are only the result of men’s negligence of their cultural and human values. 

If one looks at some aspects of this religion which Allaah has guided us to, one will find that there is in it an obvious and special quality by which this Ummah excelled others, like leadership qualities and being the witness over mankind. The most paramount aspect of these qualities is Al-Wasatiyyah (moderation, justness) that shows the true picture of Islaam, its beauties and its protection of noble human values. Allaah says, 

“Thus We have made you (true Muslims) a just (and the best) nation, that you be witnesses over humankind and the Messenger (Muhammad) be a witness over you.” (Al-Baqarah 2:143) 

Since it is necessary to define this term in the light of the Qur’aan and Sunnah in order to avoid misconceptions especially in these days that the campaign against Islaam has become more vicious, that Muslims are labelled with defamatory terms, that realities have been turned upside down and some Muslims have been afflicted with keeping away from its illuminating path. 

Fellow Muslims! The Islaamic scholars show great concern for explanation of the actual meaning of Al-Wasatiyyah as it is mentioned in Sooratul Baqarah. It has only two meanings: (1) the best and just. This is the one chosen by At-Tabaree and Ibn Katheer. (2) Just and balanced between extremism and negligence. This meaning came up while Allaah is reminding this Ummah of His favour on it. 

Al-Wasatiyyah, dear brethren, is the path of the righteous predecessors of this Ummah. Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said, “The safe party who are the followers of the Sunnah and the mainstream Muslim group (Ahlus-Sunnah wal jamaa‘ah) believe in all that Allaah says in His Book without altering its meaning, suspending it, conditioning it or assimilating it. They are balanced among other Muslim groups just as the Muslims are different from adherent of other religions.” 

Al Imaam ‘Izz bin ‘Abdus-Salaam said, “Generally, one should not say a word or performed a deed except that which brings benefits or averts harm, with belief in maintaining balance between extremism and negligence.” 

Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “There is no single matter in which Satan does not make an insinuation either toward extremism or negligence. But the truth is in between the two.” 

Brethren if faith! Moderation and justness feature in all aspects of Islaam. In creedal issues, Islaam maintains moderation among other religions. There is neither atheism nor idolatry but a sincere servitude to Allaah in His Lordship, His exclusive right to be worshipped and in His Names and Attributes. Islaamic creed is balanced between assimilating the attributes of Allaah, altering them or suspending them. On the issue of Al-Qadar (divine pre-decree), it strikes a balance between those who deny it outright and those who go to another extreme of believing that man is forced to do all things. Islaam also strikes a balance between those who believe that actions have nothing to do with eemaan and those who believe that the perpetrator of major sins are no longer believers. The authentic scholars do not consider anybody disbeliever as long as he does not consider the sin lawful, though they are also of the view that such a sinner is incomplete in faith; they consider him a sinner because of his sins and a believer because of his belief. 

On the issue of prophethood, wilaayah and the companions, Islaam maintains a moderate view between those who take their Prophets and their companions as lords besides Allaah and those who disrespect them as the Jews do where a section of them disbelieved in the Messengers and another section killed them. The true Muslim believes in all Prophets, Messengers and all Allaah’s revealed Books. They love the sincere worshippers of Allaah and they invoke His pleasure on the companions of the Messenger. 

Brethren, in Islaam! There is another aspect in which moderation of this ummah vividly shows: in acts of worship. Islaam gives consideration to natural needs of man and makes a wonderful harmony between the needs of the soul and those of the body. In Islaam, neither asceticism nor materialism is encouraged, but coexistence between the needs of the body and those of the soul in the light of the word of Allaah, 

“But seek with that which Allaah has bestowed on you the home of the hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world.” (Al-Qasas 28:77) 

In Sunnah the Messenger of Allaah also refuted ‘Uthmaan bin Maz’hoon’s ascetic life and refuted those who forbidden for themselves the lawful things of this world saying, “Amongst you, I am the one who fears Allaah most and the I am the most pious; but yet I fast and I eat, I pray and I sleep and I marry women. So whoever turns away from may way is not of me.” (Al-Bukhaaree) 

He also said, “ This religion is easy. So practise it gently. No one is harsh by this religion except that it overpowers him.” Thus does Islaam take its adherents away from all false steps and mistakes that often threaten the very existence of mankind, violate human rights and contradicts the actualisation of harmony and justness while conversely, the secular systems fluctuates as seen in western modernisation that is wholly based on pure materialistic theory so much so that the wise men among them have started calling for a religion that can strike a balance between their divergent desires and raise up man, actualise for him his real values and save him from misery and oppression which he imposed on himself. 

Fellow Muslims! Among important aspects of Islaamic moderation is the legal aspect. Islaam strikes a balance between Judaism in which many good things were forbidden and between a religion which its adherents make all things including the forbidden ones lawful for themselves in total disregard for the saying of Allaah, 

“The command is for none but Allaah.” (Yoosuf 12:40) 

And His saying, “Say: Who has forbidden the adornment with clothes given by Allaah which He has produced for His slaves and all kinds of lawful foods?” (Al-A‘raaf 7:32) 

In methodology of study and deducting evidences, Islaam maintains moderation is treating sources of knowledge and strikes a balance between texts and reason; between world of unseen and our physical world. In promoting the goals of Shareeah, Islaam maintains moderation in actualising what is beneficial for mankind and preventing what is harmful. 

In morality, Islaam seeks to strike a balance between idealism and reality in such a way that purifies emotions and refines conscience. It makes a proper use of reason and emotions in imparting a balanced education in the light of the Prophet’s methodology that says, “Indeed, your soul has a right upon you, your family has a right upon you, your body has a right upon you and your Lord has a right upon you. So give each one his due right.” (Ahmad and Muslim) 

On economic system, Islaam strikes a balance between individual and communal liberties. It respects individual ownership as long as it does not harm the interests of the whole society. Islaam is a moderation between capitalism and socialism. 

In the area of spending, the moderation of Islaam is exemplified in the following saying of Allaah, “And those whom when they spend are neither extravagant nor niggardly but hold a medium way between those extremes.” (Al-Furqaan 25:67) 

Hudhayfah bin Al-Yamaan said, “That is a good deed between two evil ones.” 

Further, in the area of individual freedom of opinion and behaviour, Islaam makes some regulations for this, so that preservation of what is lawful and what is unlawful may be guaranteed. 

In the field of politics, Islaam strikes a balance between other systems, explains the rights of the ruler and the ruled, encourages justice truthfulness, security, peace and obedience to the constituted authority in which that is good. It also established Shoorah (system of consultation) long before the contemporary democratic slogans were formulated, and it seeks to protect the society from crises and anarchy, and strongly warns against dictatorship. Allaah says is His Glorious Book, 

“And consult them in the affairs.” (Aal ‘Imraan 3:159) 

Islaam in its justness and moderation, harmonises between originality and modernity. Through its flexibility, it goes along with constructive development that is in line with Islaamic principles and through that, it prevents dissipation of its values. 

“And who is better in judgment than Allaah for a people who have firm faith.” (Al-Maaidah 5:50) 

In nutshell, the moderation of Islaam comprises all matters of religion, worldly life and the Hereafter. This is doubtlessly, a manifestation of Islaam’s inimitability and validity for all times and places. It also emphasises the enormity of the Muslims’ responsibility affirmed in the saying of Allaah, “That you may be witnesses over mankind.” 

Yes, it a witnessing by which rights are protected and justice, dignity and peace preserved. The hope now -after Allaah- lies with this moderate nation. It should rise from its slumber to rescue the world spiritually, ideologically, morally and culturally. It should rise against some of its adherents who practises excessiveness in matters of religion and those who are apologetics of the enemies of Islaam for these two groups have made Islaam being accused of what it is innocent of.

O you who accuse Islaam of extremism and terrorism! This is Islaam in its moderation and magnanimity. Compare the magnanimity of Islaam to the Zionist extremism that sheds the blood of innocent Muslims in Palestine. Compare this to Hindu extremism in Muslim Kashmir and to atheistic extremism in the Muslim Chechnya. Compare this to the words of those who regard the oppressor, the terrorist and the killer of Muslims as a man of peace and regard the oppressed who are asking for the restoration of their rights as terrorists. 

Brethren if faith! The Muslim nation is in dire need of moderation and justness in dealing with corruption that has infested all aspects of its life. The scholars and truthful reformers have the major role to play in this. They will be held responsible before Allaah and the rest of the ummah as well as the growing generation. Allaah says, 

“And verily, this is My straight path, so follow it and follow not other paths, for they will separate you away from His path. This He ordained for you that you may become pious.” (Al-A‘raaf 6:153) 

Brethren in Islaam! The moderation of this religion does not stop at matters of worship alone, but encompasses all aspects of human behaviour, human interactions and manners of dressing, eating and so on. It completely regulates all these in the most excellent way. 

Dear brethren! There is another aspect in which moderation of Islaam clearly manifests: rights of woman. Islaam came at a time when woman was being oppressed and brutalised. Islaam then honoured her, rescued her from her state of subservience, guarded her from falling into abyss of humiliation, guaranteed her freedom in the light of Sharee‘ah, and kept her away from immorality and unlawful mixing with members of the opposite sex. 

However, there is an important observation on the issue of moderation in Islaam. Moderation in Islaam is a matter that is not subject to the dictates of whims and desires. It does not go against Islaamic values nor does it contradict its fundamentals and its goals. It is however ironic that there are some people among the Muslims who attack every practising Muslim especially if he is righteous and calls to all that is good, and they accuse him of excessiveness and obstinacy. In the eyes of these people, anyone who strictly adheres to Sunnah inwardly and outwardly is labelled an extremist and those defeatists who are devoid of any value and disrespect the fundamentals of Islaam and its noble precepts are termed liberals, realists and progressive. 

This kind of despicable extremism along with its undesirable opposite which is excessiveness in matters of religion encourage those who seek moderation to remain balanced in all their religious and mundane affairs.


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