Indian mums home remedies

February 23, 2009

Stomach troubles

• Dry roast one teaspoon each of Cummins seeds and caraway seeds (ajwain) in a pan. Add one cup water and boil till it is reduced to half. Strain and add sugar to taste. Drink one teaspoon for relief from acidity and indigestion.

• Curd is an excellent antacid. Few spoons will do the trick.

• Drink cold milk to fight acidity and avoid coffee.

• Mix caraway seeds (ajwain) and salt in equal proportions. Have a little bit of this mixture whenever the acidity pain starts.

• For acidity, after meals, drink a glass of water with a piece of jaggery dissolved in it.

• For relief from stomach-ache accompanied by diarrhoea, swallow ¼ tsp. fenugreek seeds with a glass of warm water three times a day.


 For immediate relief in a spoon cook a little asafoetida (hing) in water till the mixture becomes slightly transparent. When cool apply the hing paste on and around the navel of the baby, gently massaging the area.

 A drink of saunf (aniseed) water for the breast-feeding mother helps reduce colic in the baby. Make this drink by mixing 1 ½ tsp aniseed in a litre of water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Cool and strain. Drink this instead of water throughout your breastfeeding period.

• Many children suffer from the problem of bedwetting up to a late age. To solve the bedwetting problem of your child, give her a small piece of ghor to suck at bedtime.

• Add a pinch of hing to some lukewarm water and drink it, for relief from menstrual cramps.

• To find relief from severe menstrual cramps, peel a few garlic flakes, fry the min ghee, cool, add sugar and swallow a couple of them. You will get relief in 10 minutes.

• Deworming frequently keeps the system working perfectly. Drink the juice of fresh mint leaves to cure worms. It helps tremendously.

• To sooth insect bites, mix 2 tblsp of olive oil with 1 egg white and apply over the effected area to take away the sting and reduce the swelling. This mix can also be stored in a bottle.

• The white of an egg can be used instead of a burn ointment, during an emergency.

• To control high blood pressure, mix equal quantities of onion juiceand honey and take 1 tsp every morning.

• To keep blood pressure under control, take 1 tsp of fenugreek/methi seed powder with a half a glass of water every morning.

• To get rid of boils on the scalp, apply coconut oil mixed with camphor.

• For getting rid of blisters on the tongue, apply ground coriander leaves.

• For sprains, chop raw onions and put them in a towel. Put them over the sprain to relieve the pain and reduce the swelling.

• Asthma, cough spasms, nausea and vomiting can be temporarily controlled by drinking ½ cup of fresh onion juice with 2 tsps of honey.

• For coughs cut a few pieces of garlic into thin slices. Cover them with honey, leave for 2 to 3 hours,. Drink a tsp of the resulting juice throughout the day.

• To get rid of an irritating cold, eat a pinch of black pepper at night.

• For stopping diarrhoea, a strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective. Another method is to peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for about 20 minutes until they turn brown in colour. Then eat them.

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