I Respond

September 14, 2010
With tear filled eyes,
I looked down at this message,
My heart racing,
Nothing more seems worth chasing,

OH my Glorious Creator,
I am so undeserving,
Yet You have showered upon me your mercy and blessings,
And now You have granted me this favour,

You’ve turned my heart,
To a spiritual design,
My soul now yearns,
For Mercy From The Divine,

I’ve called out aloud,
And in secrecy,
I’ve stood not proud,
But I have sat with hope,

Anticipating your invitation,
I waited with baited breath,
And when you called out to me,
I cried out in euphoric elation ,“Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik”,

I Come to You in awe and humbled,
I come to You after years of which I have fumbled,
I come begging for your forgiveness,
I come to you as your worthless slave, to complete my rites and establish my pillar,

Oh Allah, You are The Magnificent, The Beneficent,
I Accept your invitation to Your House of Honour,
I leave my worldly life behind,
So Your Pleasure I can find,

I Long to stand in Your Mubarak land,
With Palms Outstretched,
Supplicating to my Lord,
You have granted me my wish, to submit to Your Command,

I Thank You Allah, for Granting me, That which I thought I would never afford,
I Thank You Allah, For allowing me the opportunity to convey my Salaams to Your Beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam),

I Thank You Allah, For saving me from the wayward path in life I used to lead,
I Thank you Allah for making me your Guest,

I say this with tears rolling down my cheeks and with no Pride,
Only Allah can grant me forgiveness for my sins that stretch far and wide,
I walk today with a spring in my stride,
For I know, Allah is on each Ummati’s side.

“Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik”

~ Moeghsien Mohamed ~


Prime Spot!!!


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