Humour of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – His Humour as a Leader

October 19, 2020

Rabi Ul Awwal 1442 – Humour of Nabi S.A.W.

Humour As A Leader

As we start to see the light at the end of this rather gloomy tunnel we call 2020, one cannot be blamed for feeling miserable, dejected and despaired. However, despite these feelings, it is important for us to understand the value of humour and light heartedness during these troubling time. Therefore, for our Rabi Ul Awwal focus this year, we will be looking at the humour and light heartedness of Nabi S.A.W.

When we look at the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), we find that despite being a beacon of spirituality, a just statesman and a guide to those that were lost in ignorance, he also had a humorous side.

The narrations mentioned that Nabi S.A.W. used to sit with his companions R.A. and as they would share something humourous, He S.A.W. used to smile and lightly laugh as well.

One of his companions, Abdullah Bin Haarith R.A. narrates
ما رأيتُ أحدًا أكثرَ تبسُّمًا من رسولِ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم
“I did not see anyone who smiled more than Muhammad (PBUH).”[Tirmidhi]

Besides a natural feeling to enjoy light hearted moments at times, as a leader and Prophet, there was a special necessity for Nabi S.A.W. to show his humourous side. The people around Nabi S.A.W. held him in high regard. Allah grant him a high status and abundant dignity. Due to this status, people would feel shy to approach him for any advice or assistance.

By showing his humourous side, Nabi S.A.W. broke the ice and sent a message to those around him that he is human after all. This made it easier for people to approach him. If Nabi S.A.W. did not smile and joke, it would have been impossible due to the awe, for people to come near him and the doors of reaping benefit would have been closed.

It also would have become a habit of those who strive to follow and emulate every deed and habit of Nabi S.A.W. not to smile and joke.

Sheikh Zakariyya R.A. mentions that someone told Sayyidina Sufyan ibn Uyaynah R.A., who was a great Muhaddith, “Joking is also a calamity.”

He replied, “It is a Sunnah, and only for those who know its bounds and also know how to joke properly.”


Prime Spot!!!


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