How to rid Yourself of Arrogance

June 25, 2019



By Naseerah Nanabhai



Firstly it is important to determine the difference between confidence and arrogance. How would you analyse the difference, because there is a fine line between the two?

A Muslim should rid himself from arrogance. Arrogance, vanity and conceit are negative qualities. These negative traits present themselves in various ways. Those that have been afflicted by it have been cursed.

No person who has even an atom’s weight of arrogance will enter paradise. Wanting your things to be beautiful is not arrogance, rejecting the Quran and sunnah is arrogance. We need to ensure that we do not become arrogant in these ways.

The quality of arrogance was the very quality that made Iblees say that he is better than Adam (AS). When he emphasised that Allah created him from fire and Adam (AS) from clay.

We need to look at our own lives and how we could be perpetrating arrogance. By looking at the manner in which we talk to subordinates. Especially how we treat our workers, the elderly and the poor. Arrogance is looking down on people, it is a bad trait that we need to avoid. We need to treat these people with respect. It shows our akhlaaq.

Do you consider your better than others because you believe you are more educated, hygienic, civilised or well mannered? Its all within yourself and for you analyse the division between rich and poor. It is important to focus on how to rid ourselves of arrogance. How do we get rid of this quality? Where do we start, firstly remind yourself of the might of Allah (SWT), read the Quran and take heed of the signs of Allah (SWT)?

Wear ordinary clothes, be an ordinary person. Nabi (SAW) said that whoever gives up expensive clothing out of humility. In the hereafter Allah (SWT) will give him a choice to wear any garment he chooses. So by simplifying and humbling yourself, this is a way for is yourself of arrogance.

It is important to remember that whatever you are and whatever you have, will cease to exist at some point. This world is not forever. Developing humility includes admitting you are wrong, hearing the other person out. Develop the ability to look at things from the persons’ point of view, this will make you a better person, more approachable and liked.

Apologising to those that you have wronged is another way to rid yourself of arrogance. Asking the other person for forgiveness is a sign of humility, that not all people can do. Spending time with the poor and giving charity are ways to rid yourself of arrogance. Charity rids a person from arrogance. Greeting people first is also a sign of humility.

Undoubtedly, there is a great difference between arrogance and confidence, we should be from those who abstain from arrogance. We should look at things from the other’s point of view and consider what others are saying and apologise when we are wrong. These are ways to humble yourself and rid yourself from arrogance.

May Allah (SWT) grant us true qualities of humility.



Prime Spot!!!


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