How to make use of free time

October 03, 2019

Shaykh Usamah Al Khayyat – Imaam of Haram

All praise is due to Allaah, Lord of all the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Messenger, his household and companions.

Fellow Muslims! Some people forget that one of the abundant blessings of Allaah is having spare time at one’s disposal. It time a person enjoys after he has fulfilled his obligations. Being oblivious of this blessing leads to wasting it and not giving it its due. This consequently leads to the loss of a great life opportunity and an important means of profit. This is the deceit that the Prophet meant in when said, “There are two blessings by which many people are deceived: good health and spare time.” (Al-Bukhaaree and others.)

It is in the light of this that Allaah’s Messenger gave his direction about seizing this great opportunity. He said, “Take the opportunity of five things before another five things happen: your life before your death, your health before your illness, your spare time before your busy time, your youth before your old age and your wealth before your poverty.” (Al-Haakim)

Brethren in faith! This admonition is being addressed first and foremost to the youths who are going to have the annual vacation soon. It is also being addressed to their fathers, mothers, teachers and others who know the importance of this blessing and know that if man does not occupy his mind with truth, it will be taken over by falsehood.

Hence, it is important to have a practical plan on how to make a good use of this vacation in lawful, useful and commendable activities, like: academic, charity, sport and amusement activities. Or to embark on lawful and useful tours that are free from wasting of resources and free from ostentation, or taking care of relative who were not formerly given adequate attention because of work.

Dear brethren! This useful planning as to how to benefit from the blessing of free time is a strong factor on how to save hours of one’s life, lest the record of deed is folded while no good deed that will benefit its owner on the Day of Resurrection entered therein. This planning also helps preventing the youth from being an agent of destruction in his society whenever the enemies among the people of desire and lust want so. For these are a people whose efforts in this world will be rendered in vain while they believe that they have done good. It is then that the actual picture of deceit which Allaah’s Messenger has mentioned will become manifest.

Dear brethren! Fear Allaah and work towards all that can protect the time of the youth of the Muslim Ummah. Invest the blessing of free time in beneficial things. This is a trust upon your necks. He who fulfils it as it is due and fears Allaah regarding it has succeeded. Allaah says,

“O you who believe! Betray not Allâh and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amânât (things entrusted to you, and all the duties which Allâh has ordained for you).” (Al-Anfaal 8:27)

Fellow Muslims! The belief that some people have that vacation means neglecting the behaviour of their children and leaving them to do whatever they like, far from supervision and wise guidance is a great mistake. It is he who is oblivious of his responsibility to his children that has a belief like this. Therefore, there is no difference between parental responsibility during vacation and other periods. Rather, this responsibility is greater during vacation because it is a critical period and many perils take place during it.

Dear brethren! Fear Allaah and be a good help to your sons and daughters on their way to achieve the blessings of this world and the Hereafter.


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