How to Help – Part 4

July 21, 2022

How to Help
Yesterday we discussed three easy and simple ways in which we can help people or just brighten their mood and make them feel better.

Today, let`s take a look at a few more!

Give in Charity
اتقوا النار ولو بشق تمرة‏
“Protect yourself from hell-fire even by giving a piece of date as charity.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).
One of the ways to help someone and protect yourself from calamity is through the noble act of giving to charity, by means of zakat or sadaqah.

And as the Hadith beautifully demonstrates, the charity doesn’t have to be a large amount of cash, no, whatever is easy for us at the time, cash or kind. The recipient might look down and frown at the amount, but Allah never will do so.

Pay for Someone’s Groceries
A random act of kindness that can make a huge difference to someone’s life.
Sometimes we may feel a little apprehensive of giving cash, not knowing what they might use the cash for. So here is a simple solution, purchase some groceries for them. Again it doesn’t have to be a huge amount, an entire trolley of goods, but whatever you can afford will go a long way for many people out there.

If you See Litter, Pick it Up
It is important to take care of our environment, and one of the ways to show our gratitude to Allah is to participate in keeping clean the dunya we are blessed to reside in. By picking up a can or a piece of plastic from the ground, you could potentially protect someone from causing injury to themselves during adverse weather conditions.

Feed an Animal
Islam advocates that the rights of animals are honoured. We know the example of the prostitute who nourished the thirst of a dog and as a result, was given paradise as a reward. We must never belittle the deeds we do, in the sight of Allah they could be much more significant than what we would ever imagine.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ is reported to have said:
“There is not a Muslim who plants trees or cultivates land of which a bird, man, or beast eats thereof except that is a charity on his behalf.” (Muslim).

Visit the Sick
Visiting the sick for the sake of Allah is a beloved act of worship to Allah. We often forget the vulnerable and distressed whilst in the pursuit of our daily endeavours. Take some time out and visit an unwell family member, or a neighbour or someone whom you know may be sick and does not have any one visiting them.


Prime Spot!!!


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