How One Starts the Daily Fast

November 06, 2007
The Wisdom of Suhoor
Allah the all-Mighty made fasting obligatory upon us as He the all-Mighty had made it obligatory on the people of the Book before us (i.e. Christians and the Jews.)

O you who believe Fasting is prescribed upon you as it was prescribed upon those before you so that perhaps you may attain Taqwaa. [Qur'an Al-Baqarah 2 : 183]

In the first period of Islam, the duration and regulations of fasting were in accordance with what was legislated by Allah upon the People of the Book. They were not allowed to eat, drink or engage in sexual intercourse after they slept. That is once one sleeps, he could not eat nor do any of the above until the night of the following day, this implied that they took no Suhoor (Pre-dawn meal).

However, when the above ruling was abrogated, the Messenger (peace be upon him) requested the Muslims to take the Suhoor (Pre-dawn meal) as a means of being different in our fasting from the fasting of the People of the Book.

'Amr Ibn al-Aas reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "The distinguishing feature between our fast and the fast of the People of the Book is in the eating at the time just before dawn." [Muslim]

The Suhoor is Barakah (blessed)
Salmaan (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Blessings are found in three things, the Group (Al-Jama'ah), Ath-thareed (a type of food) and As-Suhoor (the Pre-dawn meal)." [At-Tabaraanee, Abu Na'eem].

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger (peace be upon him) of Allah the all-Mighty said: "Verily Allah placed Barakah (blessing) in the Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and in perfect measurement (weighing)."[Ash-Shairazee].

'Abdullah Ibn Haarith said that one of the Sahabah (companion) said: 'I entered the house of the Messenger (peace be upon him) whilst he was taking the Sahoor (pre-dawn meal), and he (peace be upon him) said: "Indeed it (the Sahoor) is blessing that Allah has given to you so do not leave it out." [An-Nasaaee and Ahmad].

The reality that there are great blessings in the Suhoor (Pre-dawn meal) is very apparent because there is in it:

(a) the following of the Sunnah,

(b) it makes the fast easier upon the person who is fasting,

(c) it increases the desire in the person to want to continue to fast because of the ease upon the fasting person and

(d) There is also in it the principle of being different from the People of the Book because they are prohibited from taking the Sahoor (pre-dawn meal).

For this reason the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) called it the blessed meal.

Allah the all-Mighty and the Angels send Salaah upon the people who take the Suhoor (pre-dawn meal).

The greatest blessing of the Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) may be that Allah the all-Mighty engulfs those who partake in it with His Forgiveness, showers His Mercy on them, while His angels ask of Him to forgive and pardon them.

Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree said that the Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "Eating the Suhoor is blessed. Do not neglect it even if you take a gulp of water, because Allah and His angels invoke blessings upon those who partake in the pre-dawn meal." [Ahmad].

What is the best thing the Muslim can eat for Sahoor
The Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "The best Sahoor for the believer is dates." [Abu Dawood, Al-Baihaqee and Ibn Hibbaan]

Delaying the Sahoor
It is recommended to delay the Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) till just before dawn. Zaid ibn Thaabit said: "We ate the Sahoor with the Messenger (peace be upon him), then we got up to offer the Salaah (prayer – in this case the Fajr prayer). I asked "What was the time between the Adhaan (call to prayer) and the Suhoor?" He said: "(The time it would take) to recite fifty verses." [Bukhaaree and Muslim].

The Ruling for Sahoor
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) recommended that whoever wants to fast should take the Sahoor (pre-dawn meal). He (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever wishes to fast, then let him eat something for Suhoor." [Ibn Abi Shaibah, Ahmad and others].

And he (peace be upon him) also said: "Take the Suhoor because in the Suhoor is Barakah (blessings)."[Bukhari and Muslim]


Prime Spot!!!


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