How not to let the doom and gloom affect our mental wellbeing

February 28, 2023

Ml Muhammad Bham |
27 February 2023 | 8:00 AM CAT
2 min read

Photo Credit: Provided by Author

South Africans have been bombarded by news of a country seen as a sinking ship. Load shedding, the cost of living and the high employment rate are some issues people face. Reading about, watching or even listening to the news affect our mental well-being. The negative news impacts us because what we see and hear is processed and stored in our subconscious mind, and the more we hear or see something, the more is stored there.

This then influences our conscious thoughts, changing our worldview, and the constant bombardment becomes imprinted on the subconscious. The subconscious mind decides how a person feels, acts and reacts even before the conscious mind proceeds the need to make a decision, and all the thoughts then filter into the subconscious. The negativity leaves people anxious and stressed, leading to hopelessness and fear.

Speaking to Radio Islam International, life coach and founder of Seize Your Vision Life Coaching, Debbie Mills, said a person needs to take a step back and imbibe news for the message it provides without allowing it to influence our world and our lives.

Placing focus on the negative has a severe impact on our mental state.

Listen to the full interview here.


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