Home remedies and household tips using spices

May 12, 2011



Even though spices are mainly used for cooking, they are also extensively used in medicine. For example, cinnamon extract which has strong antibacterial properties is used as a natural antiseptic. Stews and curries with large chunks of cinnamon sticks thrown in also can last longer without refrigeration because of this anti-bacterial property.

You will also find some cure for common illnesses in the kitchen; these household tips using spices are useful when the visit to the doctor is troublesome for minor discomfort.

Household tips using spices are good when you try to become one with
nature without resorting to man made chemicals which can be harmful and maybe even poisonous

Toothache (especially caused by a cavity or gum infection)
Take a piece of clove, pound it into powder or simply crush it, and place the paste on where it hurts in your mouth. You will feel a tingling feeling and after a while, the pain will ebb away. I know toothache worsens during the night, so prepare this simple remedy and pop it into your mouth before your bedtime.

To get rid of cooking odour

sometimes the smell of cooking can be overpowering. To sweeten the

smell of your kitchen, boil slowly clove cinnamon and ginger in a saucepan for 20 minutes. Previous cooking odour will go away and your kitchen will smell nice and fresh. This is a good alternative to commercially bought air freshener which may contain harmful chemicals.

Minor cuts
if your child fall and scrapes her knees, or you accidentally cut your own finger while preparing food, get a piece of cinnamon, grate it against your stone mortar, paste the powder on the wound. It is said that the resulting scar would be less noticeable using this method.

 Burns or hot oil splatter
Soy sauce is a quick and easy solution for burns caused by hot soup or splatter of hot oil. Simply drench affected area with soy sauce till the burning sensation goes away. I know soy sauce is not a type of spice BUT this tip is so useful and effective, I feel obliged to share it with you. (I am talking from my own experience!). Apparently, using cold milk also works.

Get rid of ants and rice weevils
Ants and rice weevils hate the smell of garlic. Simply place slightly crushed garlic cloves inside your rice bin and around the edge of your kitchen floor or cabinet where ants are known to "patrol".
Ants also hate the smell of clove. Arrange a "fortress" of cloves around that bottle of honey on your kitchen countertop.

Have nice facial skin
there are some interesting household tips using spices in the beauty department. Rubbing turmeric on your face can work wonder. I know the resulting yellow face is pretty scary but this is an ancient tip from the Indian people. I am sure you have seen some Indian ladies with yellow face around and just look at the texture of their skin – flawless!

Make nice pineapple jam
Toss in a stick of cinnamon into the mixture of drained pineapple pulp and sugar in a pot over slow fire (ratio pulp to sugar 2:1), stir non-stop till thicken, the pineapple jam you get will smell very good.

Treat depression and congested nose due to cold
Boil some cinnamon in water and add a teaspoon of honey for a warm drink. Add tea leaves if you want to. You could also spray the concoction like an air freshener (minus the honey).

 Soothe really bad cough and chest pain
Get half an inch of  ginger pound and squeeze a drop or two of its juice, mix with a teaspoon of  honey, consume twice a day.

Soothe stomach wind
too much hot spicy food can sometimes make your tummy full of wind. Prepare green tea with a slice of ginger. Drink slowly. Feel its magic work. An ointment prepared with menthol and nutmeg also works wonder. Rub on your stomach sparingly.


    Reduce the swelling of mumps

this is on of the household tips using spices which I used on my son when he had mumps. The inflammation of thyroid glands at the side of the neck can be very painful and uncomfortable especially to young children. Mix a little water to tamarind pulp. Simply paste the wet tamarind pulp to affected area. I know it sounds gross, but tamarind is very cooling and soothing. Leave the paste till it dries.

Reduce the heat of chillies (this time, the spice IS the culprit)
Sometimes if you slice too many fresh chillies or handle too much dried ones, your fingers are in pain with burning sensation. To reduce this, wash rice grains in your usual rice cooker pot, the act of washing your hands in water mixed with rice soothes the burning sensation.

Turmeric is rich in anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Can be used for minor cuts or bruises – Dab a pinch of turmeric for quickly stopping the blood flow.

When experiencing congestion in the throat, dinking a glass of warm milk mixed with ¼ tsp. of turmeric powder relives sore throat and feels better.

It also reduces cholesterol levels, cough, cold and flatulence.   

As an ingredient of most cosmetic lotions, turmeric paste prevents and currents pigmentation, dark circles and acne marks.

It is also used as a face pack.

 The aromatic bay leaf can be put to many uses. Bay leaves repel ants, moths, and grain worms. Put a bay leaf in your flour, rice, and cereal container and they will stay bug free. Bay leaves also make a great anti-dandruff remedy. Just boil five to ten crushed bay leaves in four cups of water for half an hour. Each time you wash your hair you can use the bay leaf mixture as a soothing rinse that will help eliminate dandruff. Bay leaves make a good smelling and attractive addition to homemade potpourris. Chewing on a bay leaf may relieve flatulence.

Deodorize bottles for reuse

You'd like to reuse those wonderful wide-mouthed pickle jars, but simply washing them with soap and water doesn't get rid of the pickle smell. What to do? Add 1 teaspoon dry mustard to 1 quart (1 liter) water, fill the jar, and let it soak overnight. It'll smell fresh by morning. This solution banishes the odour of tomatoes, garlic, and other foods with strong scents.

To get the smell out of glass jars, mix dry mustard and water and fill them. Let the solution stand in the jar overnight. Wash them and give them a good rinse; the doors should be gone.

 Clean aluminium pots and pans with cream of tartar. Put two tablespoons of cream of tartar in one quart of water. Boil it for ten minutes. This will not only brighten the pans, it will take out discoloration as well.

 No need to use bleach to whiten those socks; brighten up white clothes by washing them with a pinch of cream of tartar.

Egg Splats on the Floor?

What's the easiest way to clean it up? Sprinkle the eggs with salt and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Cut a cheap paper plate in half and scoop the mess up; wipe up the residu

Goodbye Fruit Flies

To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid, mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!

Get Rid of Ants

Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it 'home,' can't digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works & you don't have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!

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