March 04, 2012
This world is an abode of trials in which no man is safe from an illness that disrupts his life or weakens him. Afflictions are however a blessing; for our Lord showers mercy through trials and tries some with blessings. Bitterness of this world for the believer is the real sweetness of the Hereafter for him. Many a blessing given to a man has been a source of his illness and many a deprived person has been healed through his depravity.

Allah says, "It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." (2:216)

Affliction is a sign of Allah's love and the way to Paradise. The Prophet, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said, "Great reward goes with great affliction, and when Allah loves a people, He tries them. Whoever shows contentedness among them will earn the pleasure of Allah and whoever becomes angry earns the anger of Allah." (At-Tirmidhi)

Good health is one of the greatest blessings of Allah. The Prophet, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said, "There are two blessings of which many people get deceived: good health and free time." (Al-Bukhari)

Good health is one of the things that man will be called to account for on the Day of Resurrection. The Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said, "The first thing that man will be asked of on the Day of Resurrection is, 'Had I not given you health in your body and quenched your thirst with cold water?' " (At-Tirmidhi)

One of the most severe tests is to deprive a man of his health. The best individuals among men have been afflicted with diseases. Ibn Mas'ood entered upon the Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, while he was suffering from an illness, and he said, "O Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, you are

seriously suffering from an illness". The Prophet, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said, "Yes, I am suffering from an illness as two men among you would do." (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). Prophet Ayyub AS was also overwhelmed with disease for years.

Brethren in Faith! Suffering illness exalts one's degree and erases one's sins. The Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said,"No Muslim is afflicted with a disease or other affliction except that his sins are removed from him as leaves fall of a tree." (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). The sick person will have the reward of what he used to do when he was healthy, written for him in his sickness even if he does not do them. It is during the illness that a believer increases in Imaan, dependence on Allah and having good opinion of Him. It is also the healing for diseases of the heart like arrogance, haughtiness, heedlessness and self-deception. The guided Muslim learns lessons from trial of his time, for all afflictions that is not in one's religion is well-being.

The sign of Allah in the creation of man has been known to a lot of doctors. Allah says, "And (there are signs) also in your own selves. Will you not then see?" (51:21)

The greatness of Allah's creature has astounded the wise men. Allah says, "Verily, We have created man in the best form." (95:4)

It is the marvelousness of this creation that calls non-Muslims to Islaam and that increases the Imaan of the believer. Let the doctor then take his job as an act of worship by reflecting on the blessings of Allah. Let him be a propagator of this religion by what manifests to him of the greatness and perfection of Allah's creation.

O doctor, be conscious of Allah in all that you say and do. For your word is taken as far as diseases are concerned and your opinion is followed. The sick person is afflicted by Allah for a wisdom by which He wants to exalt him and purify him. Do not therefore disdain him because of his illness. If a doctor behaves arrogantly with his knowledge, Allah will relegate him. It is wise for him to say about things of which he has no knowledge, "I do not know". For there are some diseases the cure of which Allah has removed its knowledge. Be gentle with the patient and do not feel inconvenienced with his complaints or rudeness. Give the patient good tiding that he will soon be alright, for Allah loves optimism.

The Muslim doctor should be sincere in his work; for it is by sincerity that ones work is blessed . He should endeavor to know the new things in his profession for the service Islaam and Muslims without neglecting any of all that the Shariah teaches. He should believe in the existence of magic and its effect. He should not deny

the existence of jinn and their mixing with man. He should believe in the existence of evil eye and that if anything could overtake the pre-decree, the evil eye would have done so.

The Muslim doctor is entrusted with the secrets of the patients. Let him protect that and not reveal it and let him treat them with compassion and kindness.

Fellow Muslims! No one cures but Allah and no one removes afflictions but Allah. The medicine and the doctor are only means by which Allah facilitates the healing. Therefore, make use of the means and use only lawful medications. Do not have total reliance on the doctor for none is capable of causing you any harm or benefit except Allah. Put your trust in Allah and submit your affairs to Him, for He is the One Who brings benefit and causes harm. Know that if the whole of the nation are to be gathered in order to benefit or harm you, they cannot do any benefit or harm to you except only by that which Allah has decreed for you. The most useful medicine is however total reliance on Allah, taking refuge with Him and having good opinion of Him.

Seeking medication with the Quran and invocations narrated in the Sunnah are the best healing for disease, so is sincere and humble supplication with certainty of faith. Doing a lot of alms giving is also one of the best medications. There are in this world some certain and divine medications that emanated from the Prophet,

SalAllahu alayhe wa salam: Pressed dates of Al-Madeenah. It prevents the effects of poison and magic spell.

The Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said, "Whoever eats every morning seven 'ajwah dates, no poison or magic spell will harm such a person." (Muslim)

Water is also a medication for fever. The Prophet, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said,"Fever is of the fragrance of the Fire, so douse it with water." (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim). Also, nothing like honey in meaning has been created for us. Cupping is also one of the best methods of healing. The Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe

wa salam, said, "The best of what you treat yourselves with is cupping". (Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim) The black seed is also a cure from all diseases. The Prophet, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said, "Make use of the black seed for in it is a cure for all diseases."

There are however some diseases that cannot be cured except with the Quran and the Prophetic invocations. They are used for untying a magic spell and expulsion of evil spirits.

Muslims also possess blessed water that is the noblest of all waters and the highest in esteem. It is Zamzam water that springs from the blessed land in the sacred House of Allah. It is a kind of food and cure. These are the curing prophetic medications from which those who accept them and believe in their curing effects benefit.

Brethren in Faith! A lot of Istighfaar (seeking for forgiveness) removes diseases and reduces their effects. Allah says, "Ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Him, He will send you (from the sky) abundant rain and add strength to your strength. So do not turn away as criminals." (11:52)

Sins close doors of knowledge. Islaam has forbidden being in seclusion with a strange woman for the purpose of medical examinations and the like. Muslims should therefore follow the injunction Islaam in everywhere. Mingling of male and female workers in medical institutions weakens knowledge and removes the blessing of

medication. It is also one of the causes of keeping one away from Allah and from healing. The Messenger of Allah, SalAllahu alayhe wa salam, said,"I have not left after me for men a trial that is greater than women". Conversely, obeying Allah opens doors of knowledge, spiritual upliftment and perfection of deeds. The patients as well as medical personnel should move closer to Allah for removal of the afflictions; for when the trials becomes severe, none removes them but Allah. Keeping away from Allah and disobeying Him in times of bliss are among the causes of misery.

Fellow Muslims! Of the firmness and completeness of faith is to persevere and be contented with what has been decreed. Be contented, dear patient, with what Allah has portioned out for you. Have patience of the willing noble servant of Allah, for the end of patience is good. Allah says, "And if you endure patiently, verily, it is better for the patient ones." (16:126)

Whoever perseveres and is contented, Allah will keep for him what is greater. Remember also that, what Allah afflicted you with is only to purify and elevate you and that, what Allah endows you with of favours are manifolds of what He takes from you. Showing anguish does not cure the illness but aggravates it. If you are afflicted with disease, praise Allah that you were not afflicted with more than that. Supplicate to your Lord in seclusion and do not forget the remembrance of Allah as a way of thanking Him for His abundant gifts. No situation is uglier than when man repents to Allah in affliction and then becomes a sinner during time of bliss.

When you start recovering from your illness, know the estimation of Allah's blessing on you, hold on to good relationship with your Lord and be always conscious of Him in times of bliss; He will know you in your times of hardship.

Make a sincere repentance to Allah and learn lessons from vicissitudes of time. Beware of satanic ways like having bad opinion of Allah, getting annoyed and showing anguish, for Allah is always All-Compassionate with His slaves and He is the One that removes calamities and hears the agony of the sorrowful. He says, "If Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He and if He touches you with good, then He is able to do all things." (6:17)

Fellow Muslims! One of the best ways by which man treats his illness is to search his heart, to reform it and to strengthen his soul by relying on Allah, seeking refuge with him, humbling himself before Him, giving alms, invoking Allah, returning to Him in repentance, doing good to people, aiding the wronged and relieving the distressed. Ibn al-Qayyim said, "May Allah have mercy on these medications. Many nations have tried it regardless of their religions and beliefs and found it to be very effective in healing what the doctors could not heal. And we and others have also tried these things on many occasions and found that they achieved what physical medications could not achieve."


Prime Spot!!!


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