September 21, 2007
When someone is kind or nice to us, we say he is an angel. When someone comes to our help in need, we say he is an angel. But did you know that human beings are the best of Allah's creations including the angels?

Angels are Allah's special creation who have been created from light (Noor). They have intellect but no desire. They have been created for any specific purpose and they do just that and nothing else. There are angels whose job is simply to bow down to Allah, there are some whose job is simply to prostrate and yet there are others whose job is to send blessings on Rasulullah SAW. There are also angels whose job is to seek forgiveness for the true believers, etc.

There are also four archangels and they too have special tasks to perform. Sometimes these angels act as Allah's messengers.

After Cain (Kabil) killed his brother Abel (Habeel), he carried his corpse on his shoulder not knowing what to do with it. Allah Almighty sent two of his angels in the form of two crows. They fought and one was killed. The surviving crow dug a hole in the ground and buried his mate. Cain who was watching all this learnt from these crows to bury the dead.

Every human has two angels with him all the time. One angel sits on the right shoulder and the other on the left shoulder. The job of the angel sitting on the right shoulder is to write down everything good this person does, no matter how small it may be. The job of the angel sitting on the left shoulder is to write down everything wrong the person does, no matter how small. These two angels are going to be the witness on the Day of Judgement for whatever good or evil we do.

Animals have desires but no intellect. For example when they are hungry, they would eat anything they desire. They are not going to think if the food is legitimate or not, is it fit for consumption or not. They eat because they desire to eat. Likewise, when they have an urge to relieve themselves, they are not going to think twice about it. They'll just do it.

Human beings have intellect as well as desires. If they control their desires then they are better than the angels. The angels have no power of desire and therefore the question of committing sin does not arise with them. If humans follow their desires and become their slaves, then they can be worse than animals.

Human beings are the best amongst Allah's creations and that is why the prophets were sent for their guidance. It is important to note that Satan was not an angel. He is from a different creation called Jinn. They are invisible creatures made from smokeless fire. As already explained, angels are pure beings who have no desire and thus no question of disobeying Allah. Allah Almighty has created everything for us human beings and He has created us to serve and worship Him. Allah has created the sun, moon, stars, animals, etc. to serve us humankind.

We humans, being the best of creations are not meant to bow down and worship the sun, moon, stars, animals, etc. We are supposed to worship One and only God (Allah), the Creator of the entire universe. The best gift that Allah Almighty has given us human beings is the mind. If the mind is used constructively, it can lead to eternal salvation. If not, then it may lead to eternal damnation. On the Day of Judgement, people will be rewarded according to their knowledge and intellect.

Once upon a time there was a man who used to live in a jungle. During the day time, he used to fast and at night time, he used to pray his Salaah and perform other acts of worship. He did this for a very long time. One day, one of angels asked Allah if what reward this worshipper would get for all the virtuous deeds he is performing. Allah showed him his reward. On seeing the reward, the angel noticed that the reward was somewhat less than what he deserved. So he asked Allah for the reason. Allah Almighty said to him to go and spend little bit of time the man and he would know the reason.

The angel came to this man in the form of an ordinary human being and said, "I was passing by and saw you here. I thought of greeting you. Would you mind if I stay with you and take rest for a short while?"

"No. Not at all."

After a short while, the man said to his guest, "See how much grass is being wasted! I wonder why doesn't Allah come here with His donkey to feed it with this beautiful hay." The angel realised the knowledge and understanding of this man and also why he was being rewarded so little for all his worship.

This is why Islam has put a lot of emphasis on acquiring knowledge and pondering over Allah's creations. When a person ponders over Allah’s creation, his understanding improves and his devotion becomes stronger. This in return calls for a more and better reward.


Prime Spot!!!


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