Faizel Patel – 17/08/2020
The South African Muslim Travel Association (SAMTA) has merged with The South African Travel Hajj and Umrah Operators Association (SATHUOA) to form a national, united organization called South African Muslim Travel Operators Association (SAMTOA.)
Samtoa says the new organisation represents the overwhelming majority of licensed Hajj and Umrah Operators in South Africa.
In a statement, secretary general Ismail Olla says Samta and Sathuoa also dissolved their respective organizations and have resigned as member bodies of the South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC).
“We understand that the post-COVID-19 travel world will be particularly challenging for Hujaj and Mu’tamireen. This unification allows SAMTOA to better deal with the future issues facing the traveler – for verily in unity there is strength.”
The Executive Committee of Samtoa includes – Chairman, Sedick Steenkamp, Deputy Chairman Irshad Malek, Secretary General Ismail Olla, Assistant Secretary-General Rafeeq Harris, Treasurer Sheikh Imraan Saban, Head of Policy and Strategy Imtiaz Malek